日期:2016-09-08 18:43



In which any right thought to be absolute could be overridden Torture one's mother to death and in so doing somehow in so doing save civilization.

有可能出现 在这种情况下绝对权力被看做是赘余的 将某人的母亲虐待致死在某种情况下是可以拯救文明的

Let's not be feint hearted here, some sons or daughters may refuse to personally participate but that just relegates the torture to an unrelated.

在这里我们不必掩饰了 很多儿女会拒绝参与这种行为但是这只是把虐待降到了一个与我们实际无关

Member of our nation and its allies or better yet, outsource the torture and have it done for us by those whom we would not protect by using torture.


Any way it is done torture would have to be justified if it saves civilisation We might even have to learn to define a duty to torture so there is a danger that.

如果虐待的确拯救了文明的话那的确需要为之申辩 我们甚至需要有虐待的义务 这样一来就存在这任何

Any evil whatsoever can be contemplated and no right is absolute once the ticking time bomb scenario is activated Well let's look at this ticking time.

罪恶都可以被思量 只要还会发生定时炸弹这种案子就不存在绝对权力让我们冷眼从实事求是更不愿意

Bomb scenario from the hard eyed perspective from the realist who may be more risk averse than others, and lets concede that someone.

承担任何风险的人的角度来重新思量一下定时炸弹案 我们先承认可能有人

May in fact be motivated to destroy a city over a cultural or political grievance or humiliation We will show a difficulty that whatever.


Actions we might take could be uncertain in their effects or counterproductive Considered in terms of probabilities.


For any particular motivated person or group, the chances of getting caught are good so the probability of any single attempt of destroying.


A city is not large, to get a wider perspective this has to be multiplies by the number of cases that may potentially arise, which.

可能性不大 为了获得更开阔的视野我们必须考虑这种事件可能发生的次数

Is also currently not that large Suicide bombers increase the cost of deterrents but they need to be recruited and trained.



