Despite the unfavorable circumstances, what they found was these were not super kids. In fact these were ordinary kids with ordinary characteristics.
然而仍然成功的人时 他们发现这些并非是非常优秀的孩子 实际上这些是普通的孩子 他们性格普通
That led to extraordinary results. For example, let me share with you some of the things. These kids were optimistic.
但是成就非凡 例如 我告诉你们几件事 这些孩子都很乐观
Not optimistic in the detached Pollyannish sense, optimistic in that they believe in things that would work out well.
不是那种不切实际的盲目乐观 而是乐观地相信 事情会被圆满地解决
And we'll talk a lot about optimism as an interpretation style, in the work of Martin Seligman and karen Reivich. They were optimistic in the sense of.
我们会经常把乐观主义当作诠释谈及 也就是Martin Seligman和karen Reivich的乐观主义 他们的乐观在于认为
Thinking "well, it may not work well this time. It will work out later. I have learned from what had just happened. "
"好吧 也许这次不会成功" "它以后会成功的" "我从刚发生的事学到了东西"
They had faith and sense of meaning in life. Sometimes it was religious faith, not always. It was doing something that they really believed in.
他们对生活有信心 认为它有意义 有时它是宗教信仰 但却不总是这样 这种信仰是做他们相信的事
Many of them were idealistic. One of main topics we will discuss in this class is that to be idealistic is to be realistic.
他们中很多人都是理想主义者 我们在这门课程里谈及的话题之一 就是理想主义就是现实主义
Because we have a real internal need, innate need for idealism. So these kids experienced sense of meaning, whether it was meaning in terms of personal success.
因为我们的内心需要理想主义 所以这些孩子有"意义感" 不管是个人成功方面的意义
And how I will make it, or sense of meaning in their community contributing, something meaningful in sense of purpose.
以及他们的行事方式的意义 或者是服务社区的意义 还有事情的目标意义
By the way, when I go through all these, these are no less important for any other person in the world. This resilience as we mentioned earlier.
顺便说一下 我说的这一切 它们对所有人都一样重要 我们之前提到的心理弹性