早安英文(MP3+文本) 第114期:美国的酒吧
日期:2016-09-23 13:39


retarded adj. 智力迟缓的
bartender n. 酒保
responsible adj. 负责的
prohibition n. 禁止
juicy adj. 多汁的

What’s the biggest differences between bar and club?

A bar is a place where friends can get together and tell stories and jokes while having a few drinks. Maybe watch a game or talk to the bartender about your problems.

A club is a place with douchy dudes trying to get laid and annoyingly loud music.

Drive after drinking is illegal in china, even you’re not drunk. Then is it OK for American to drive after drinking?

Hell no it’s not ok!!! If you’re drinking and driving, you’re retarded. Especially in a place like a big city where there are so many taxis!

National Minimum Drinking Age is 21 in USA, why 21, rather than 18? since we consider 18 is the mark of adult?

It’s a stupid law. 18 year olds can smoke and get cancer. Take out loans and drown themselves in debt, or join the military and DIE FOR THIER COUNTRY! But they can’t buy a beer.

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