Yet in the end there is no guarantee that the struggle to end state sponsored torture can be won by winning an argument regardless of what form of reasoning is used.
然而 到底有没有保证的斗争 以结束国家资助的折磨赢得了可以赢得争吵使用什么样的形式推理部门和行业
It is left to every sector and profession to do their best with the resources at hand it will be the role of lawyers
做最好的手头资源 这将是律师的作用
to argue that the US ought to apply its obligations under the 1994 convention against torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading punishment
认为 美国应该运用其义务根据1994年公约禁止酷刑和其他残忍 不人道或有辱人格的惩罚
including the senate's caveat that it referred to amendments to apply these obligations to non-citizens interrogated outside the US
包括参议院的警告 它指的是修订这些义务非公民在美国以外的审问 这将是作用记者目录和报告
and to explain the expansive restrictions that such an application would entail.
准确地解释广阔的限制 这样的应用程序将需要
It would be the role of journalists to catalogue and report on exactly what goes on in US prisons and to bring into light what is done in the dark.
在黑暗中做了什么 这将是作用哲学家和神学家 以确定诡辩的滥用参与援引滴答声
It will be the role of abuse of casuistry involved in citing the ticking bomb case as paradigmatic in the US's treatment of its detainees.
As well as the attempts to create shifting unstable boundaries between torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
和其他残忍 不人道和有辱人格的待遇这将是
And it will be the responsibility of all critically intellectual and decent citizens to be vigilant ensuring that the moral stakes of this issue
所有严格的责任知识和体面的公民要提高警惕 确保对这个问题的道德责任
do not recede from the before the eyes of the American public so that our best souls are not lost to the brutality of the logic or war.
不远离前的眼睛美国公众 使我们的灵魂是不失去的逻辑或战争的残酷性