Which in this case would involve the quest for a definition of torture that would be capable of including almost any coercive interrogation practice that we might wish to prohibit.
这就促使我们要为虐待下一个定义 能够把各种需要被 禁止的强制行为 都包括进来
The hope here is that murky ethical situations may be clarified by the rigorous application of universal invariable principles.
我们希望这片伦理上的黑暗地区 能够通过严格遵守各种普世价值观而被明朗化
In this presentation I would like to suggest that these strategies not be necessarily seen as mutually exclusive.
在我的报告中 我想证明一下这些措施并不一定 像表面看起来那样互相排斥
Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses and it may be that they need to be used in combination in order to be most powerful.
每种措施都有其优点和弱点 通过将它们结合起来使用 才能发挥更大的效力
legal and philosophical reasoning.
为了说明 我想审视一下近期通过寻找哈拉卡或者犹太法的支撑来为反对虐待这个计划把法理的理论和哲学理论结合了起来
Such a project involves an intriguing combination of legal and philosophical reasoning.
Partially this is necessary because the unique historical conditions of the formation of the Halakhic corpus, mainly the 2000 year period of Jewish statelessness have resulted in very little treatment of battlefield law or international statecraft in general. Let alone the torture of unarmed prisoners in particular.
这其实是非常必要的 鉴于哈卡拉法集在历史上的形成状况两千年来犹太人的无国家状况导致他们很少顾及战争法或者治国之术更不用说对手无寸铁的囚犯的虐待了
This means that anyone committed to forming a position on torture that has Halakha as its basis must begin by generalising certain principles out of other areas of Halakha that seem pertinent.A few methodological caveats are necessary before I begin.
First it is important to keep in mind that I am not a Posek or Decisor in matters of Jewish law.
I'm not here to tell you what Jewish law says about torture, but only to present one voice from a multi-vocal tradition.
我并不是要告诉大家犹太法中对虐待作了什么说明 而仅仅是代表多声部传统中的一个声音