日期:2016-08-31 16:13


WORLD stockmarkets are in bear territory. Gold, a haven in times of turmoil, has had its best start to a year in more than three decades. The cost of insurance against bank default has surged. Talk of recession in America is rising, as is the implied probability that the Federal Reserve, which raised rates only in December, will be forced to take them backbelow zero.


1 territory 考研 | CET6 | CET4 | IELTS n. 领土,版图; 领地; 领域,范围; [商]势力范围;
2 turmoil 动乱;骚动;混乱;焦虑
3 haven 安全的地方;保护区;避难所 a place that is safe and peaceful where people or animals are protected
4 cost of insurance 保险费用
5 bank default [财]银行拖欠
6 surge (of prices, profits, etc. 物价、利润等) to suddenly increase in value 急剧上升;飞涨;激增

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