日期:2016-08-29 16:11


One fear above all stalks the markets: that the rich world’s weapon against economic weakness no longer works. Ever since the crisis of 2007-08, the task of stimulating demand has fallen to central bankers. The apogee of their power came in 2012, when Mario Draghi, boss of the European Central Bank (ECB), said he would do “whatever it takes” to save the euro.Bond markets rallied and the sense of crisis receded.

1 stalk (死亡、恐惧、罪恶等)笼罩,蔓延,肆虐
If you say that something bad such as death, fear, or evil stalks a place, you mean it is there.
The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is the thin part that joins it to the plant or tree.
2 apogee 顶峰;顶点;最高点
The apogee of something such as a culture or a business is its highest or its greatest point.
3 rally 振作;恢复
When someone or something rallies, they begin to recover or improve after having been weak.
4 recede(质量)下降;(问题或疾病等)逐渐减弱,好转
When something such as a quality, problem, or illness recedes, it becomes weaker, smaller, or less intense.

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