Because they have the best labs for what he needs right now. " And she doesn't elaborate it any more. Tommy wakes me up, retells me the story of what's happening.
那里有最好的实验室可以给他提供治疗 她没有再说 Tommy叫醒了我 告诉我发生的事
Somehow I get up. She can't take me to the hospital because David, at that time one year old, is asleep.
我起来了 她不能带我去医院 因为David 当时他才一岁 他正在睡觉
We don't want to wake him up. So we get a cab to take me to Beth Israel. On the way.
我们不想叫醒他 我们叫了一辆计程车带我到Beth Israel医院 路上. 这是我不做
So this was the year after I was no longer resident tutors in Leverett. We were... driving down the Charles River. Up and drive and then next to Harvard.
Leverett的常驻导师资格的第二年 我们驶经查尔斯河 然后我们经过哈佛
I look at Harvard. I look at the beautiful river. It's very quiet. Not many cars just after midnight on a Friday night.
我当时看着哈佛 看着美丽的河 四周静悄悄 周五午夜之后没有多少车辆
And I can't help myself but think, "what if there's something really terrible going on?" I mean, why would they call me midnight to the hospital.
我情不自禁地想 如果情况真的很严重呢? 他们为什么午夜叫我去医院
Beth Israel, insisting on just one specific hospital? There must be something really wrong. And my mind begins to wander.
还指定是Beth Israel医院? 一定是出了很严重的问题 我开始思考
And I say, "what if I only have a year left? What would I do in that year?" I become very sad because I think I won't see David grow up.
我说 如果我只剩下一年时间呢? 我在这一年里会做什么? 我变得非常伤心 因为我看不到David长大
I won't see I won't have any future children. Be careful up there. And I become very wistful and sad.
我以后再也不会有孩子 在上面要小心谨慎 我变得十分忧郁悲伤
And then I ask myself, "Ok so professionally, what would I want to do in that last year?" So I know personally exactly what I’ll do.
然后我问自己 好的 在职业上 我在最后一年想做什么? 我知道在生活在我要做什么