Interesting and engaging activities. Not graded, just basically for you to reflect, for you to grow through them.
都是有趣而好玩的活动 它不会评分 它让你去思考 并通过它们去成长
Thesis writers. How many of you are thesis writers? Just so I get a show of hand here.
要写论文的人 你们中有多少人要写论文? 请举手让我看看
Ok, I am sorry. No I'm kidding. Thesis writers: you'll not need to take the midterms. I know it's crunch time around that time-.
好的 很抱歉 我没有在开玩笑 要写论文的人 你们不用参加期中考试 我知道那段时间里非常紧张.
Being through it myself here. So you'll not have to take the midterm. Your final will account for more.
我自己也经历过那段时期 所以你们不用参加期中考试 你的期末考占更多分数
Unless you want to take the midterm, of course you'll more than welcome to. We won't throw you out of the classroom.
除非你想参加期中考试 当然我们非常欢迎你参加 我们不会把你扔到教室外面
Your thesis writers may. There'll be many announcements online. Do check the website on the regular basis.
写论文的人可以不用参加 网上将会有很多公告 请经常查看网站
We communicate a lot of things. Instead of sending you emails, we'll have the announcements. Check them regularly, about 6 7 times a day.
我们会发布很多东西 而不是向你发邮件 我们会发布公告 需要经常查看一下 大概每天六七次
Just kidding. Once a day or once every two days is more than enough. I'd like Before I do jump into the material.
这只是开玩笑 一两天一次就已经足够了 在开始课程之前.
And we have a very exciting lecture today, to invite Deb Levy who is the head TF for extension school so extension school.
今天的课程非常令人兴奋 我们会邀请进修学院任务组组长Deb Levy 哈佛进修学院的同学们
Students I know there are a couple of you here, those of you at home here she is. Deb Levy.
我知道该学院的一些同学在这里 还有一些在家里. 有请 Deb Levy