Domestic police departments, under the influence of a series of Supreme Court rulings have long since been forced to get by without resort to the third degree,
and had involved other methods of questioning suspects that have demonstrated their effectiveness. One might interject here that the limitations on
Rodef discussed by Weintraub seem to apply to situations that involve the use of extreme physical force such as could cause permanent injury or death,
and that certain restrictions might not apply to the very techniques of humiliation and pressure the CIA and military have been using.
It is at this point that Weintraub supplements her argument by incorporating analyses of Jewish legal position on human dignity, public shaming and self incrimination.
在这方面Weintraub补充了她的看法将犹太法中对人类尊严 公开侮辱和和自证其罪的相关内容加入论证
Two points here stand out because I can't go into all of that in detail.
The first is the seriousness with which the Talmud takes shame and humiliation claiming that anyone who shames his fellow it is as if he spilled blood.
The second is the Jewish tradition's total ban on confession in contrast to the weaker American restrictions on self incrimination.
It has been argued plausibly that the historical origins of the Jewish Ban on confession as evidence in a period when
可以追溯到犹太人受罗马人刑讯逼供 这就使得犹太人禁止将虐待作为
Jews regularly suffered torture by Roman hands signalled an attempt to prohibit Jews from using torture themselves as a means of extracting confessions.
获得供词的手段 现在我想暂时放下Weintraub的论证以及
But I'd like to move now from the content of that by Weintraub's argument and of the Halakha itself into a more formal discussion.
犹太法律 进入更加正式的讨论 Weintraub论证的方式可能有点近乎诡辩
Whereby Weintraub's style of reasoning may be characterised as broadly casuistic but with additional philosophical elements,
she begins with an unstated conviction that God has created all human beings in his image and that the Jewish tradition constitutes a divinely inspired conversation about how to live in light of this knowledge.
犹太人创造了在神的启发下的一系列谈话 来告诉人们如何生活 她很大程度上是在传统的