Far be it from you, should not the judge of all the earth do justly?" Finally with respect to the third restriction that the Rodef must be thwarted with minimal harm proportional to the threat he poses.
你绝不可能做这样的事 地球万物的法官难道不该更加公正 第三个限制条件是Rodef必须以与他可能施加的伤害相同程度的暴力制止
There are clear texts both in the Talmud and in the the 16th century law code accepted as authoritative by contemporary orthodoxy,
that condemn the infliction of serious injury where moderate means would have sufficed.
Weintraub knows here that even if one accepted the possibility of looser laws for the battlefield than for domestic crime the interrogation room is different.
It resembles domestic crime interrogation since it involves the sober and prepared questioning of captive unarmed adversaries,
它跟国内的犯罪审问是一样的 因为涉及到了对手无寸铁的被被拘留者的清醒的
the heat of battle is absent an excuse is offered for actions taking that heat do not apply.
实现有准备的审问 在这里并没有战争的激烈 因此用来开脱战场上行为的理由并不能用到这里 有了这三个限制条件
With these three restrictions in mind Weintraub asked how they might apply to the situation of US detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo.
Weintraub问道 他们是如何把这项辩护应用到美军的伊拉克 阿富汗关塔那摩被拘留者身上的
The principles of imminent harm and not harming bystanders would both appear to be violated by the empirical fact that
thousands of people who are not on the verge of committing any serious crime have been detained at US detention centres, they are often neither confirmed or even suspected terrorists.
Many of them were simply picked up in sweeps without due process protection and subject to guilt by association.
The principle of spontaneity would additionally be violated by any authorisation of coercive interrogation in advance as part of a deliberate routine interrogation program.
It cannot be argued that the widespread and well documented of techniques of sexual humiliation,
offense to religious objects, placement of detainees in stress positions, deprivation of food and sleep.
将被拘留者至于高压环境下 剥夺被拘留者的食物和睡眠