When I was 5, I tried to jump into picture on the wall after I saw Steve do it on Blue's Clues.
jump into 跳进
Blue's Clues <蓝色斑点狗>,一部真人结合卡通人物的动画片
I accidentally opened a bathroom stall when someone was using it and we made eye contact for three whole seconds.
accidentally adv. 意外的
stall n. 摊位,这里指“隔间”的意思
One time someone told me they had the same name as me and I asked what theirs was.
My mom once used the flashlight on her phone to try to look for her phone.
flashlight n. 手电筒,闪光灯
After I fell down the stairs. I went upstairs to see how I fell. I fell again.
stairs n. 楼梯
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