富爸爸穷爸爸(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:欲望
日期:2016-05-31 15:20


“No, it doesn’t. Let me finish the other emotion, which is desire. Some call it greed, but I prefer desire. It’s perfectly normal to desire something better, prettier, more fun, or exciting. So people also work for money because of desire. They desire money for the joy they think it can buy. But the joy that money brings is often short-lived, and they soon need more money for more joy, more pleasure, more comfort, and more security. So they keep working, thinking money will soothe their souls that are troubled by fear and desire. But money can’t do that.”
“Even for rich people?” Mike asked.


“Rich people included,” said rich dad. “In fact, the reason many rich people are rich isn’t because of desire, but because of fear. They actually think that money can eliminate that fear of not having money, of being poor. So they amass tons of it, only to find the fear gets worse. They now fear losing it. I have friends who keep working even though they have plenty. I know people who have millions who are more afraid now than when they were poor. They’re terrified of losing all their money.
“I want to teach you to master the power of money, instead of being afraid of it. They don’t teach that in school , if you don’t learn it, you become a slave to money.”
It was finally making sense. He did wanted us to widen our views, to see what the Mrs. Martins couldn’t see, his employees could not see, or my dad for that matter. He used examples that sounded cruel at the time, but I’ve never forgotten them. My vision widened that day, and I began to see the trap that lay ahead for most people.
“You see, we’re all employees ultimately. We just work at different levels,” said rich dad. “I just want you boys to have a chance to avoid the trap, the trap caused by those two emotions, fear and desire. Use them in your favor, not against you. That’s what I want to teach you. I’m not interested in just teaching you to make a pile of money. That won’t handle the fear or desire. If you don’t first handle fear and desire, and you get rich, you’ll only be a highly paid slave.”
“So how do we avoid the trap?” I asked.
“The main cause of poverty or financial struggle is fear and ignorance, not the economy or the government or the rich. It’s self-inflicted fear and ignorance that keep people trapped. So you boys go to school and get your college degrees, and I’ll teach you how to stay out of the trap.”
The pieces of the puzzle were appearing. My highly educated dad had a great education and a great career, but school never told him how to handle money or his fear. It became clear that I could learn different and important things from two fathers.
“So you’ve been talking about the fear of not having money. How does the desire for money affect our thinking?” Mike asked.
“How did you feel when I tempted you with a pay raise? Did you notice your desires rising?”
We nodded our heads.
