英语短文名人故事 文人骚客 第28期:科幻作家 阿瑟·克拉克
日期:2016-04-25 09:31


A Sci-Fi Writer: Arthur Clarke
Born in western England, on December 16th, 1917, the son of a farmer, Arthur Clarke became addicted to science fiction after buying his first copies of the magazine “Amazing Stories”. He began writing for his school magazine in his teens.
His father died when he was thirteen. After attending schools in his home country, Arthur Clarke moved to London. There he pursued his early interest in space sciences. He worked as a clerk, and at that time he wrote his first short stories and scientific articles on space travel.
With the onset of the second World War he joined the Royal Air Force, eventually becoming an officer in charge of the first radar talk-down equipment during its experimental trials. Serving in the wartime Royal Air Force, he wrote a memo about the possibility of using satellites to revolutionize communications. In 1945, the UK periodical magazine “ Wireless World”published his landmark technical paper “Extra-terrestrial Relays” in which he first set out on the principles of satellites communication with satellites in geostationary or bits, a speculation that was realized 25 years later.
二战爆发后,克拉克加入了皇家空军,最终成为负责首次雷达无线电降落设备试验的军官。在皇家空军服役期间,他论证了利用卫星技术革新通讯方式的可能性。1945年,英国期刊《无线电世界》发表了他的一篇划时代的科技论文《地外通讯》。在文中,克拉克首次 提出利用地球同步卫星进行通讯的原则,25年后,这一设想变成现实。
His detailed descriptions of space shuttles, supercomputers and rapid communications systems inspired millions of readers. When asked why he never patented his idea for communication satellites, he said: “I did not get a patent because I never thought it will happen in my lifetime.”
During the evolution of his discovery, he worked with scientists and engineers in the USA in the development of spacecraft and launch systems, and addressed the United Nations during their deliberations on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Clarke’s fiction, such as Childhood’s End, The City and The Stars, The Nine Billion Names of God, inspired real-life space exploration. The first moon landing in 1969 was an event that Clarke predicted decades earlier.
Clarke's another novel, The Fountains of Paradise, helped spark the real-world efforts to build a space elevator from Earth to orbit. The idea is still being pursued, even though its realization may still be decades away.
克拉克的另一篇小说《天堂的喷泉》,激发了人们在地球和地球轨道之间建造空间电梯的想法。直到今天, 人们仍在为这个想法努力,即使真正实现它可能是几十年之后的事情。
In an interview with The associated Press, Clarke said he did not regret having never traveled to space himself, though he arranged to have DNA from his hair sent into orbit. “One day, some super civilization may encounter this relic from the vanished species and I may exist in another time,” he said.
Since the 1960s Clarke had battled with a severe disease called post-polio syndrome and sometimes used a wheelchair. It was a difficult time. And he never gave up fighting with the disease. Unfortunately he died in 2008 after suffering breathing problems.
In the wake of Clarke’s death, NASA said countless young people were inspired by “his hopeful vision of how spaceflight would transform societies, economies and humankind itself.”

  • fictionn. 虚构,杜撰,小说
  • spacecraftn. 宇宙飞船
  • experimentaladj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • speculationn. 沉思,推测,投机
  • onsetn. 攻击,进攻,肇端
  • periodicaln. 期刊 adj. 周期的,定期的
  • patentn. 专利,特许 adj. 专利的,显著的 vt. 批准
  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的
  • explorationn. 探险,踏勘,探测