Chinese, Australian navies hold joint drill
The Chinese navy has taken part in an exercise with its Australian counterpart, in the sea of east Australia.
正在执行环球访问任务的中国海军152舰艇编队途经澳大利亚以东海域,与澳海军举行了联合演练 。
On Friday, the Chinese destroyer "Jinan", frigate "Yiyang", as well as Australia's frigate "HMAS Darwin", took part in the drill.
周五,中方参演兵力为编队济南舰和益阳舰,澳方参演兵力为“达尔文”号护卫舰 。
The activities included communication and changing formations.
演练内容主要包括两国舰艇的沟通联络与会合、通信指挥协同、编队运动等 。
Both navies took turns to command the three ships during the half-day exercise.The commander from the Chinese side said, both navies managed to share experiences and increased mutual trust through the operation.
此次演练全程以2014年西太海军论坛通过的《海上意外相遇规则》为基础下达指挥口令、开展战术动作,通过实际演练,双方相互借鉴了通信指挥、海空协同等方面经验,深化了中澳两国海军的互信与合作 。