日期:2016-03-21 17:27
Greece needs time to send refugees back
The Greek government says it will not be able to start sending refugees back to Turkey from Sunday.
希腊政府表示不可能从周日就将难民送回土耳其 。
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his ministers on Saturday to be ready to begin deporting people the following day, as agreed under a deal between Brussels and Ankara last week.
希腊总理阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯周六告诉他的部长们按照上周布鲁塞尔和安卡拉之间达成的协议执行,他们准备在第二天开始驱逐难民 。
Under the deal, migrants who reach the Greek islands will be deported back to Turkey.
依据这项协议,抵达希腊岛的移民将被遣返回土耳其 。
For every Syrian returned, the EU will resettle one from a Turkish refugee camp.
每返回一名叙利亚难民,欧盟就安置一名来自土耳其难民营的难民 。