Abe's website hacked in protest
A hacking group has claimed responsibility for crashing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's official website to protest against the country's plans to hunt whales.
日本首相安倍晋三的个人网站当天遭黑客攻击,据信是为抗议日本近期强行恢复南极海域捕鲸活动 。
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that one of Abe's websites has been inaccessible since early Thursday and police were investigating.
菅义伟在当天例行记者会上通报说,安倍个人网站遭黑客袭击后无法登录,技术人员随后展开修复,目前已经恢复安倍个人网站的部分功能,并着手评估相关损失 。
He acknowledged the Anonymous hacker group has posted a Twitter message claiming responsibility, but added authorities had not singled out the group as a prime suspect.
国际黑客组织“匿名者”10日认领这起袭击,声称其目的在于抗议日本捕鲸活动 。该黑客组织在“推特”微博客网站上发布多条消息,反对日本捕鲸并呼吁安倍勿食鲸肉、改为吃素 。
Despite protests from anti-whaling groups, Japan resumed its annual Antarctic whale hunt last week under a revised plan after the International Court of Justice found its earlier programme unscientific.
不顾国际法院的禁令和动物保护组织的抗议,一支由4艘船组成的日本捕鲸船队12月1日在政府巡逻船护航下启程前往南极海域,恢复“科研捕鲸” 。