China calls on Japan to speed up destruction of abandoned chemical weapons during war
China has called on Japan to speed up the destruction of chemical weapons abandoned in China during World War II.
中国催促日本尽快销毁在二战期间遗弃在中国的化学武器 。
Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs Fu Cong made the call Thursday at the First Committee of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.
中国裁军大使傅聪22日在联合国表示,日本遗弃在华的大量化学武器仍继续危害中国人民的生命财产和生态环境安全,中方敦促日本加快履行其应尽义务,尽早还中国一方净土 。
During the war, Japanese invaders systematically developed and used biological and chemical weapons in China.
侵华日军先后在中国等地建立毒气工厂或化学武器装配厂并部署化学战部队 。
Abandoned chemical weapons have been discovered in more than 90 locations in China's 18 provinces and municipalities. Most of them have not been retrieved.
时至今日,日本遗弃在华的大量化武仍继续危害中国人民的生命财产和生态环境安全 。中国已在17个省市90余处发现日遗化武 。