Bringing vivid experiences to every aspect of life
A research breakthrough in virtual reality technology has taken place in South Korea.
韩国在虚拟现实技术研究课题中取得突破性进展 。
You can now mix fact with fiction, and even travel through time, all in a virtual world.
现在您能够在虚拟的世界中将各个现实同小说的情境混合,甚至穿越时空 。
The improved technology processes images and actions using sensors.
这种经过改进的技术是通过传感器对图像和动作进行操控 。
People can touch and move virtual objects without wearing any special device on their hands.
人们无需在手上佩戴任何特殊设备就可以触摸及移动虚拟物品 。
Museums use this technology to bring visitors back in history, where they can fight wars alongside famous generals.
凭借这种技术博物馆可以将游客带回历史,在那里他们能和赫赫有名的将军过招 。
People can also use it to sing with stars, and have their photos taken.
人们还可以通过它来和明星唱歌拍照 。
Applications for education, on-line shopping and tourism are in the works.
现在教育、网上购物及旅游的相关应用正在研究中 。