看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第17期:page118-page120练习
日期:2015-08-17 14:34


Page: 118


a Is there more water in the sea than in a river?

There is more water in the sea than in a river.

b Give the names of three great discoveries.

Fire, the wheel and clothing were three great discoveries.

c What is wool?

Wool is the hair of sheep.

What is cotton?

Cotton is the hair round seeds of the cotton plant.

Where do we get silk from?

We get silk from silkworm.

d Why is thick clothing warmer than thin clothing?

Because thick clothing keeps heat from going through it.

e What is the chief work of the eyes,the ears,the mouth,and the fingers?

The chief work of the eyes is seeing,

of the ears is hearing,

of the mouth is taking in food,

and of the fingers is touching.

f What sorts of transport go on wheels?

Carts,automobiles, and trains go on wheels.

g Where does smoke come from?

Smoke comes from fire.

Where does steam come from?

Steam comes from boiling water.

h Where do we get wood from?

We get wood from trees.

Page: 119

What are these things?

a a cart

b a plow

c a boot

d a looking-glass

e a skirt and a shirt.

f a wheel

g a fire

h a spade

i a roll of cloth

j an umbrella
