Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit8:Everybody can help the environment(2)
日期:2015-02-28 09:58


Part 2. Campaign California Re-leaf.

Keywords. tree planting campaign, carbon dioxide, personal actions.

Vocabulary. kick off, coalition, deflate. carbon dioxide, neutral, deplete, irreversible, on hand, copper beech, Styrofoam.

A. Listen to three short talks given by three persons. Fill in the missing words.

Time is not neutral. We're so rapidly depleting the atmoshpere. We're so rapidly changing the climate.

that unless we start now, the situation may well become irreversible.

Unless the environmental movements comes into everybody's life, in real simple activities, it's not going to work.

Planting a tree is real simple.

So I wanted to participate in something that was really accessible to the citizen, to, just to everyday people, to children.

But as citizens, we can do a lot.

It's one step in a combination of things.

The other kinds of things that we can all be doing are being much more conscious about how we use energy in our home,

whether we're buying, ah, fuel efficient cars and products, whether we're using Styrofoam when we don't have to be,

ah, whether we're turning off light blubs when we, ah, leave the room, um, and just a variety of personal actions like recycling.

we need to start thinking about and doing more.

B. Now listen to the whole report, answer the questions with keywords.

Campaign California Re-leaf as LEAF was kicked off recently with a party in San Francisco's Washington Square Park thrown by a coalition of seven urban forestry groups.

The focus of the party was the planting of a single tree.

The first of 20 million to be planted in 40 California cities over the next decade.

The tree planting campaign is an attempt to deflate what's been called the greenhouse effect.

Scientists believe that the earth is getting warmer because of an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the air.

Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air.

Martin Rosen is the director of the Trust for Public Land, the organization that is coordinating the state-wide tree planting effort.

"Time is not neutral. We're so rapidly depleting the atmosphere. We're so rapidly changing climate.

that unless we starts now, the situation may well become irreversible."

Some movies stars were on hand for the tree planting ceremony.

Actor Peter Cyote served as the master of ceremonies.

"Unless the environment movement comes into everybody's life, in real simple activities, it's not going to work.

Planting a tree is real simple.

So I wanted to participate in something that was really accessible to the citizen, to, just to everyday people, to children.

But as citizens, we can do a lot."

After Peter Cyote introduced a few speakers and a couple of songs were sung, the ceremony moved over to a corner of the park where a group of youngsters planted a copper beech tree.

Isobel Wade is the state coordinator for Campaign California Re-Leaf.

Wade says the tree plantings are important.

Because they will help clean up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, improve the environment and make neighborhoods more attractive.

But Isobel Wade cautions it isn't enough.

"It's one step in a combination of things.

The other kinds of things we can all be doing are being much more cautious about how we use our energy in our home,

whether we're buying, ah, fuel efficient cars and products, whether we're using Styrofoam when we don't have to be,

ah, whether we're turning off light bulbs when we, ah, leave the room, um, and just a variety of personal actions like recycling,

that we need to start thinking about and doing more."

Isobel Wade also says she'd love to see everyone in California's urban areas take the time to plant one tree and take care of the ones that already growing.

  • neutraladj. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者,空挡的,素净色
  • depletevt. 耗尽,使 ... 空竭
  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • movementn. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章
  • accessibleadj. 可得到的,易接近的,可进入的
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • decaden. 十年