CNN名人专访(MP3 中英字幕):爵士天后戴安娜克瑞儿 巴西音乐探索之旅
日期:2014-07-07 11:40


Diana Krall’s Brazilian Odyssey.The jazz musician takes the tropical turn on her lastest recording.
CNN ANCHOR:Now, singer Diana Krall is far from an overnight sensation. She's been a platinum-selling artist for years, and she's found success all over the world, but as Shannon Cook reports, there's one place in particular where the musician recently found Inspiration.
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:I was in Brazil the year before last doing some concerts, and I've always loved the music, but when you go there, and you go to the botanical gardens in Rio and different... other places in Brazil, you really see where this music originated and the ties to American popular song, like Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto. So I felt like it was the right time to do this album. One of the best parts of making a record is the dinner after where you all go to a restaurant, you decompress. have some great wine and just tell stories and listen to Claus and Tommy and Al Schmidt and all these people telling amazing stories about [those] that times.
SHANNON COOK, CNN CORRESPONDENT:And there's only one dinner? Shouldn't there be a series of dinners?
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:Uh, no, there's a lot of dinners.
SHANNON COOK, CNN CORRESPONDENT:(laughing) I bet!You have been producing Barbara Streisand's new album. What's that been like?
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:Incredible, incredible. I mean, I just am so thrilled with her performance on this album. It's been great WOF lg artist to artist, and we had a lot of fun. We play J cards. When there's little moments in the studio where there's something technical that has to be fixed, then we'll deal the cards, and we'll play gin rummy, which I'm lousy at. Thank goodness.
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:Yeah, no, I would let her win. (laughing)
SHANNON COOK, CNN CORRESPONDENT:And this is the first album you've produced for another artist.
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:For another artist, yes.
SHANNON COOK, CNN CORRESPONDENT:Way to choose somebody really small to start of with!
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:I didn't choose. She chose me! I had a few phone calls and I was... you know, it was a little daunting, and, but it was a great experience and really, really intense, as you would expect it to be, and challenging , but in a... you know, in a way that I think we ended up with a really beautiful record that she's really happy with. And that's the most important thing, that she loves the record.
SHANNON COOK, CNN CORRESPONDENT:You and your husband, Elvis Costello, two very creative people, and two very intense people living under the one roof, it must get zany at times under this one roof.
DIANA KRALL. MUSICIAN:Yeah, it's pretty great. It's really, really fun, and we have this amazing home in Vancouver now. And I finally have a home, because I've always lived out of a suitcase on the road, and just, you know, sort of a tiny little flat that I can come drop things off. But now we have this home with kids running around, and I love to cook, so we're always cooking, and we always have people over. It's zany in the most wonderful way, and you know, it's great. I mean, you have two little boys leaping off the furniture who think they're Buzz Lightyear-"infinity and beyond"-while we're practicing and playing. It's just a happy house, and they're really funny and really fun. And it's just, my life is just tremendous right now. It couldn't be better.

  • sensationn. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动
  • inspirationn. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)
  • suitcasen. 手提箱
  • infinityn. (时间,空间等)无限,无穷,[数]无穷大
  • tropicaladj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的
  • technicaladj. 技术的,工艺的
  • dauntingadj. 令人畏惧的
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • recordingn. 录音 动词record的现在分词
  • creativeadj. 创造性的