日期:2014-05-14 16:03
Giant panda “A Bao” to return to its natural habitat
Zoo visitors around the world are used to seeing giant pandas lounging about after in well-cared for captivity. Little do they know pandas are in fact hardy and tenacious creatures in the wilderness. Well, to introduce one giant panda back into the wild, a protection center in Chinese province Shannxi has been training the animal to help it uncover its natural instincts.
世界各地的动物园游客对于被关着爱护有加懒洋洋的大熊猫习以为常。但鲜有人知的是大熊猫在野外可是强悍而顽强的物种。为了引导一只大熊猫回归野外, 中国陕西省的一家保护中心一直训练动物们来帮助其回归其自然本性。