Airline industry gathers in Malaysian capital
In an odd twist of coincidence this year's meeting of the International Air Transport Association is being held in Kuala Lumpur. The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has cast a pall over the conference, as delegate discuss lessons the industry can learn from the missing jet liner.
A gathering aviation industry people was always going to feel poignant in the wake of the disappearance of a passenger jet. More so when it takes place in the city from which that flight departed.
"Could I invite you all to stand please for a moment's silence out of respect for the families and loved ones of those onboard," Iata Director Mike o'Brien said.
“请在座的所有人起立默哀片刻,以示对那些失联客机的家属及亲友的尊重。”国际航空运输协会主任Mike o'Brien说。
Industry people point out that civil aviation safety has continued to improve greatly over the past decade through refinements to safety procedures and technology. The number of passenger planes lost has dropped from one per one million flights to closer to one per three million today for Western-built commercial jets.
But the disappearance and apparent loss of MH370 has reminded the industry there's no room for complacency
"In a world where our every move seems to be tracked, there is disbelief that an aircraft could simply disappear and that the black box is so difficult to recover. An Air France 447 brought similar issues to light a few years ago, and some progress was made, but that must now be accelerated. We cannot let another aircraft simply disappear." Iata Ceo Tony Tyler said.
“在一个我们的一举一动似乎都被跟踪的世界,人们总会怀疑一架飞机很容易就会消失,而黑匣子又很难被恢复。几年前,法航447带来了类似的问题,当时我们也做了相应的改进,但现在我们仍必须加快这种改进。我们决不允许另一架飞机再轻易的消失。 “国际航空运输协会首席执行官Tony Tyler表示。
Malaysia Airlines says it is beefing up its security protocols.
There will now have to be two people in the cockpit at all times. If the pilot or co-pilot wishes to step out even to go to the bathroom, another member of the crew will have to take their place. And the airlines says that cabin crew will also be required to stand guard any time the cockpit door is opened to prevent any passengers entering the restricted area.