挪威画家爱德华•蒙克代表作《呐喊》在纽约的苏富比拍卖行以1.19亿美元(约合7.553亿元人民币)的天价成交,创造了目前拍卖的最高价格纪录。而之前的拍卖最高价格纪录是毕加索1.06亿美元的《裸体、绿叶和半身像》。 蒙克的《呐喊》是世界艺术史上公认的杰作。画面上,扭曲变形而尖叫的人物造型,像血一样猩红的云彩,象征死亡的黑色,仿佛是一场精神灾难,表现出令人眩晕的杂乱和夸张的空虚,能让大众产生情感共鸣,很多人都会有画中人那样“站在一座桥上想尖叫的感觉”。
Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream," one of the world's most recognizable works of art, sold for $119.9 million at Sotheby's on Wednesday, setting a new record as the most expensive piece of art ever sold at auction.
The image of a man holding his head and screaming under a streaked, blood-red sky is one of four versions by the Norwegian expressionist painter. The piece auctioned at Sotheby's is the only one left in private hands. The buyer's name was not disclosed.
The previous record for an artwork sold at auction was $106.5 million for Picasso's "Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust," sold by Christie's in 2010.