Like the artist Chip Lord's half-buried Cadillacs in the Texan desert, the fishing boats of Kazakhstan rise from the salty plain that once was the bed of the Aral Sea. But this is no art installation. It's not a seaside attraction extolling the freedom and mobility of ships. It's a folly, the legacy of the Soviet Union's plan to divert rivers to grow cotton. Those diverted rivers no longer fed the Aral Sea. A dam was built on the Aral Sea and the life there got much better. The locals have also some income from fishing.
就像艺术家奇普•罗德的那辆在克萨斯沙漠被半埋着的卡迪拉克车艺术品一样,哈萨克斯坦的渔船从平原——曾经咸海的海床中升出 。而后者很明显不是艺术作品 。这不是颂扬船只自由及运动性的海边景点 。这是苏联计划改道河流来种植棉花留下来的愚蠢遗产 。这些河流改道后不再注入咸海 。在咸海建造了一个大坝,而那里的生态环境变得有所改观 。当地人也有一些依靠钓鱼而得的收入 。
1. desert n. 沙漠
2. plain n. 平原
3. attraction n. 吸引力