Each day, more than 6,000 people around the world fall victim to HIV. That's how serious the problem is. The World Health Organization has estimated that about 17 million people have already been infected with this disease. The news is that the virus is now spreading fastest in Asia. It's high time some steps were taken.
Two proven methods should be followed. One way is to teach people how to avoid catching the virus sexually through condom promotion. The other way is to encourage people to stop having casual sex. A word to the wise is sufficient, so don't take this warning lightly.
【原文翻译】 艾滋病 每天,全世界有超过六千人成为艾滋病毒的受害者。问题就是那么严重。世界卫生组织估计大约有一千七百万人已经感染了这个疾病。消息是该病毒在亚洲蔓延得最为迅速。现在该是采取一些措施的时候了。
有两个已经证实的方法应该遵循。其中一个方法是藉由提倡使用保险套来教导人们避免从性行为而感染到该病毒。另外一个方法则是鼓励人们停止性滥交。智者一点就通, 所以不要忽视这项警告。
【Notes 笔记】
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺乏症
此处为 :Acronym 缩写可拼读
Each day, more than 6,000 people around the world fall victim to HIV.
此处为 :abbreviation 缩写不可拼读
例如: HIV AIDS病毒
(human immunodeficiency virus)[,imjun?udi'fi??nsi] 人类免疫缺乏病毒
fall victim to 成为受害者
例句:Thousands of people fall victim to traffic accidents every month in big city. 成为受害者(习惯用法)
That's how serious the problem is.
Serious 严肃 ,也有 认真的意思
The World Health Organization has estimated that about 17 million people have already been infected with this disease.
WHO (不可以小写) 世界卫生组织 World Health Organization
be infected with 收到....感染
例句:Several children were infected with food poisoning at the picnic.
The news is that the virus is now spreading fastest in Asia.
spread -- spread, spread 蔓延(动词三态一样)
the flu 流感, a flu 普通感冒
I had a flu (一般性感冒)= I caught a cold (flu)
The flu spread quickly through the school 流行性感冒
I was infected with the flu ,I was infected with a flu.
It's high time some steps were taken.
It’s +hight(或者 about)+time that +主语 were 或者 动词过去式 虚拟语气
例句:It’s hight time we stopped working ,I am beat(tired)
Two proven methods should be followed.
词句为 被动语态 的用法
此句主动语态:We should follow the tow proven methods
One way is to teach people how to avoid catching the virus sexually through condom promotion.
Condom 安全套
promotion.(n.提倡) Promote (vt 提倡)
例句 :We should promote more foreigh language study in high school. 提倡
The other way is to encourage people to stop having casual sex.
Encourage sb. To do 鼓励...做....
例句 :We should encourage our students to exercise more , not to become bookworm(
bookworm 书虫
discouraged 不鼓励discouraged….from…..
例句:The teacher discouraged her students from cheating.
例句 :When (you are) mountain climbing, (you should) wear casual clothing.
Clothing 衣服 不可数
A word to the wise is sufficient, so don't take this warning lightly.
Sufficient 足够的
The +adj = adj +people
Take ….lightly 看轻 take …seriously 看重
I’d like to have a word with you about sth. 我有事和你说
Vocabulary & idioms (此处于录音中与学生互动进行句型练习 )
AIDS 艾滋病
Victim 受害者
HIV 艾滋病毒
Serious 严肃
World health organization 世界卫生组织
Million 百万
Infect 传染
Disease 疾病
Spread 传播 扩散
Step 步
Proven 已经证实的
Method 方法
Follow 跟随
Avoid 避免
Sexually 性地
Condom 避孕套
Promotion 提倡
Encourage 鼓励
Stop 停止
Casual sex 滥交
The wise 聪明的人
Warning 警告
Lightly 轻地