本课主要介绍两句在一起无连词相连时的边变化法则,以及"all+人+have/has to do is+原形动词”(某人所必须做的就是……)的用法
例1:He has nothing to do,he feels bored.
→Having nothing to do,he feels bored.
例2:She walked along the street,she ran into
her college classmate
He was sick of studing,he cut class,
Being sick of studing,he cut class=Sick of studing,he cut class.
The school bell had rung,the students
dashed out of the classroom.
→The school bell having rung,the students dashed out of the classroom.
Gilroy,California has one of the world’s
Lagest garlic crops,Gilroy,California is known as the “galic capital of the world.”
→Having one of the world’s largest garlic crps,Gilroy,California is known as the”galic capital”
People believe that garlic helps the body
Fight many forms of diseases,people add garlic to their cooking in many parts of the world.
→Believing that garlic helps the budy fight many forms of diseases,people add garlic to their cooking in many parts of the world.
Nowadays, some people thingk that it kills
Bactebia,some people cat raw garlic as if it were candy.
→Nowadays,thinking that it kills bacteria,some people eat raw garlic as if were candy.
2.All you have to do is roll down the window of your car and you know you’re in Gilroy.
句中有“all/what+人+have/has to do”(某人所必须做的)及”all/what+人+should/can do”
例:If you want to be successful,all you have to do is (to)work hard.
To borrow books,all you should do is (to) apply for a library card.
If war breaks out,all we can do is (to) pray.
Substitutiong 替换
1. Having one of the world’s largest garlic crops,Gilroy,California is known as the “garlic capital of the world.”
Being only sixteen,the youngster couldn’t get married without his parents’ consent.
Having spent all their money,the tourists decided to return home.
2. All you have to do is roll down the window of your car and you know you’re inGilroy.
What more people should do is obey the reaffic laws.
All you can do is hope for the best.
96.What's the Point of Chewing Gum?
Being an American, Donna wants to learn more about the Chinese. She's talking to her Chinese friend, Jeff. (D=Donna; J=Jeff)
D : Hi, Jeff! What's up?
J : Nothing much. What about you?
D : Same as usual. Here, have a stick of gum.
J : No, thanks. I'll stick to my own brand.
D : And what brand's that?
J : Actually it's not gum. I eat raw garlic instead. Want a piece?
D : No way! So that's where the stinky smell is coming from.
J : Hey! Watch your tongue, OK? Garlic kills germs.It's good for you.
D : Says who?
J : Well, according to...
D : Never mind. Please stop talking. Your breath stinks. I'm out of here.
J : Boy! These Americans don't know what's good for them. Besides, what's the point of chewing gum anyway?
身为美国人, 唐娜很想多了解中国人。她正在和她的中国朋友杰夫说话。
唐娜:嗨, 杰夫!近来如何?
杰夫:没什么, 你呢?
唐娜:老样子。喏, 来一片口香糖吧。
杰夫:不, 谢了。我还是用我的老牌子好了。
杰夫:嘿!说话当心点, 好吗?大蒜能杀菌, 对你身体有益。
杰夫:嗯, 根据……
唐娜:算了, 请别再说了。你有口臭, 我走了。
杰夫:天啊!这些美国人真不识货。而且, 嚼口香糖到底有什么意思?
What's the point of... = What's the use of... ...有什么意义呢?
There is no use in talking to Peter, he is stubborn.
a stick of gum = a piece of gum a pack of gum 一包 gum不可数
Would you care for a stick of gum?
the Chinese the English
Traveling can help you learn more about the world. He is well-traveled. well-educated
What's up? 极为口语的用法 answer: Nothing much. or Nothing special.
same as usual = nothing much
Stick the stamp on the envelope. 粘 stick to 坚持
brand-new 全新的
stinky tofu 臭豆腐 → stinky 臭的
watch your tongue = watch your language 注意用词
bacteria 一类细菌 germ 总称 viruses滤过性病毒
Says who? 谁说的?(表怀疑)
J : Boy! These Americans don't know what's good for them. Besides, what's the point
of chewing gum anyway?
boy! 表惊讶
Key Points 重点提示
1. point [point] n.重点
What’s the point of + 动名词?……有啥用?
There is no point in + 动名词 ……是没有用的=There is no sense in + 动名词=There is no use(in) + 动名词
例:What’s the piont of spending such a lot of money on clothes?
There is no point in crying over spilt milk.
2. chew vt.&vi.咀嚼
chewing gum n.口香糖
gum n.树脂;口香糖(=chewing gum)
Chewing gum 为不可数名词,因此表【一片口香糖】应说”:a stick of chewing gum”或”a pack of chewing gum”.
例:Many American baseball players like to chew robacco .
Never bite off out without a pack of chewing gum in his pocket.
3. What’s up? 近来如何?发生什么事?(=What’s the matter?)
例:Mike:Hi,Anna.What’s up?
Anna:Nothing much,What about you?
James:What’s up,Carlos?
Carlos:I just lost my false teeth.
4.Same as usual 老样子
as usual 和往常一样
usual []a.平常的,通常的
例:Waiter:What are you having taday?
Customer:Same as usual.
As usual,Peter was late for work again.
4. stick vi.&vt..插;黏贴
Stick to + 名词 坚持/固守……
例:The actor was told to stick to his lines.
Please stick this stamp to the envelope before you mail the letter.
*envelope n.信封
6.brand n.商标,牌子
例:What brand of cigarettes do you smoke?
7.raw a.生的;未处理过的
例:This steak is too raw for me.
8.No way! 才不要呢!
例:Jim:How about a kiss,Sue?
Sue:No way!
9.stinky a.恶臭的 stink[]vi.发臭味
例:Stinky tofu is my son’s favorite snack.
The garbage in the kitchen stinks.
10.germ n.细菌
例:This bandage will prevent germs from getting into the wound.
11.according to… 根据/依照…
例:According to the radio,the weather’s going to be fine today.
13.Never mind 算了吧。没关系。
例:A:Should I tell you what he said?
B:Never mind.
Tim:I’m sorry I’m late for the meeting.
Ann:Never mind.
14.breath n. 气息,呼吸
Breathtaking[] a.令人赞叹的
catch one’’s breath 喘过气来
hold one’s breath 屏气(静气)
例:Bacteria in the mouth cause bad breath.
I could hardly catch my breath after running up the flight of stairs.
The tourists took pictures of the breathtaking scenery.
1. What Rob has to do ------more attention to his pronunciation.
A. are paying B.are pay C.is pay D.is paying
2. Ian is known------his generous contributions to charuty.
A. as B.to C.for D.of
3. The naughty boy----- a piece of chewing gum on the teacher’s chair.
A. stick B.stuck C.strick D.struck
4. What’s that strange -------coming from the kitchen?
A. odor B.order C.smelling D,smelled
5. Wife:I forgot the car key.
Husbend:-------I have an extra one with me.
A.What’s up? B.No way C.Watch your tongue D.Never mind