Girlfriend: Hello.
Boyfriend: All right.
Girlfriend: What have you been doing?
Boyfriend: Watching TV.
Girlfriend: Again?
Boyfriend: Yeah...
Girlfriend: What have you eaten?
Boyfriend: I got a takeaway pizza.
Girlfriend: Have you had a shave?
Boyfriend: No.
Girlfriend: Have you had a shower?
Boyfriend: No.
Girlfriend: You haven't even changed your clothes!
Boyfriend: I'm relaxing!
Girlfriend: Look, this place is a mess.
Boyfriend: A mess?
Girlfriend: Yes. Look – you've got takeaway food boxes and empty drink cans everywhere.
Boyfriend: It's just home. It's my personal space.
Girlfriend: Well, it's also my personal space. Listen, honey, can you just tidy up a bit?
Boyfriend: To tidy up?
Girlfriend: Yes. You know. Put things in the bin. Wash up the dishes.
Boyfriend: Okay I'll do it later.
Girlfriend: Later when?
Boyfriend: Later.
Girlfriend: Do You know something? You're a slob.
Boyfriend: A what?
Girlfriend: A slob.
Boyfriend: I'm just an ordinary guy.
Girlfriend: No you're not. You're a...
Boyfriend: ...slob. I get it.
slob (n.) - a very lazy and untidy person 懒惰而邋遢的人
Get out of bed, you fat slob!
takeaway (n.) - a meal cooked and bought at a shop and was then taken home to be eaten 外卖的饭菜,外卖食物
Let's have a takeaway tonight.
shave (n.) - the removal of hair from a man's face, usually by a razor 修面,刮脸,剃须
I need a shave.
have a shower (exp.) - to take a wash using the shower. The shower is a washing device which releases drops of water through many tiny holes 洗澡
this place is a mess (exp.) - this place looks very dirty or untidy