赖世雄教你轻松说英语 Unit 105:I'll treat you to dinner
日期:2007-11-03 12:09


(I'm a miser.)
I'll treat you to dinner.
Don't be silly. Let's go Dutch.

You should treat people nicely.
I'll treat you to dinner.
I'll treat to a movie.
Don't be silly. Let's go Dutch.
Don't be silly. Of course I love you.
I'll treat you to dinner.
Don't be silly. Let's go Dutch.
He is a miser.
Don't be so stingy.

  • generousadj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的
  • misern. 守财奴,吝啬鬼
  • stingyadj. 吝啬的,小气的