Section 14
Cinema, Theater
1 What’s the difference between a cinema and a theater?
2 Theaters are generally for live performances.
3 Cinemas are for recorded shows.
4 What are live performances?
5 These are where there are people on the stage actually performing there and then.
6 So what sort of performances can we expect?
7 There can be acting of plays, you know, drama, comedy etc.
8 Anything else?
9 Sure, there can be musical performances by solo artists or by bands.
10 Can I see classical concert at a theater?
11 Yes, some theaters are used for that.
12 Cinemas are different then?
13 Yah, cinemas usually show movies.
14 And these are not live.
15 That’s right, they were recorded on film long before you see it in the cinema.
16 I don’t know which I prefer.
17 Perhaps they are equally as good as each other.