TPO:艾尚托福阅读 第十四期 TPO22-1
日期:2018-05-19 14:01





今天我们讲解托福TPO22-1 (7-12) 的第7题到第12题需要重点记忆的单词

7. Paragraph 4 suggests that where Spartina occurs naturally, an established stand of it will eventually 在Spartina自然生长的地方,一片已经长成的Spartina最终会如何?
重点单词:stand n. 站立的事物 (托福)
Once established, a stand of Spartina begins to trap sediment, changing the substrate elevation, and, eventually the stand evolves into a high marsh system where Spartina is gradually displaced by higher-elevation, brackish-water species.
trap v. 诱捕;使…陷入困境;聚集 (高中)
sediment n. 沉积;沉淀物 (托福)
substrate n. 底层;基地 (托福)
elevation n. 高地;海拔;提高 (托福)elevate v. 提高;提升;elevator n. 电梯
evolve v. 发展;进化 (CET4)
displace v. 取代;置换 (CET4)
Once established, a stand of Spartina begins to trap sediment, <changing the substrate elevation>, and, eventually the stand evolves into a high marsh system [where Spartina is gradually displaced by higher-elevation, brackish-water species]. 一旦长成,一片Spartina开始聚集沉淀物,从而改变了基底的高度,最终这一大片Spartina进化成了一个高沼泽系统,在此Spartina会逐步被一种较高高度的brackish-water的物种所取代。
正确答案:create conditions in which it can no longer(不再) survive(v. 存在;生存).

8. According to paragraph 4, in its natural habitats, Spartina helps estuaries by 在其自然生长的地方,Spartina通过什么方式帮助estuaries?
Along the east coast, Spartina is considered valuable for its ability to prevent erosion and marshland deterioration.
consider v. 考虑;认为 (高中)consideration n.
prevent v. 阻止;防止 (高中)
erosion n. 侵蚀;腐蚀;(CET6)erode v.
deterioration n. 恶化;退化;堕落 (托福)deteriorate v.
Along the east coast, Spartina is considered valuable for its ability to prevent erosion and marshland deterioration.在东海岸,Spartina被认为是一种很有价值的植物,因为它有防止侵蚀和阻止沼泽地退化的能力。
正确选项:controlling marshland decline.

9. The word “modifies”in the passage is closest in meaning to
Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl that depend on the mudflats.
modify v. 修改;装饰 (CET4)modification n.
tidal adj. 潮汐的;海浪的;潮的 (高中)
inhospitable adj. 不友好的;冷淡的;荒凉的;(CET4)
depend on 依赖于;取决于
Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes <inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl> [that depend on the mudflats]. Spartina 改变了沿海的mudflats, 将他们变成了高海拔沼泽,而这些沼泽是不适合依赖于此类环境的鱼类和waterfowl的。
A选项: creates v. 创造
B选项:changes v. 改变
C选项:grows on v. 生长于...之上
D选项:breaks down v. 分解 decompose v. 分解 decomposition

10. According to paragraph 5, Spartina negatively affects wildlife in estuaries by 在estuaries,Spartina如何对野生动物造成不利影响?
Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes <inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl> [that depend on the mudflats]. Spartina 改变了沿海的mudflats, 将他们变成了高海拔沼泽,而这些沼泽是不适合依赖于此类环境的鱼类和waterfowl的。
In New Zealand, the plant has spread rapidly, <changing mudflats <with marshy fringes> to extensive salt meadows> and <reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals> [that use marsh].在新西兰,Spartina这种植物扩张非常快,把带有沼泽边缘的mudflats变成广阔的盐泽草地,进而减少了依赖于沼泽生存的鸟类和动物的数量
重点单词:fringe n. 边缘;adj. 边缘的 (CET6)on the fringe of …
extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的
meadow n. 草地;牧场
Spartina modifies tidal mudflats, turning them into high marshes <inhospitable to the many fish and waterfowl> [that depend on the mudflats]. Spartina 改变了沿海的mudflats, 将他们变成了高海拔沼泽,而这些沼泽是不适合依赖于此类环境的鱼类和waterfowl的。
In New Zealand, the plant has spread rapidly, <changing mudflats <with marshy fringes> to extensive salt meadows> and <reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals> [that use marsh].在新西兰,Spartina这种植物扩张非常快,把带有沼泽边缘的mudflats变成广阔的盐泽草地,进而减少了依赖于沼泽生存的鸟类和动物的数量
正确答案:turning mudflats into high marshes and salt meadows

11. The word “efforts” in the passage is closest in meaning to
Efforts <to control Spartina outside its natural environment> have included burning, flooding… 试图控制Spartina在自然生存环境以外的方式包括燃烧,水淹。。。
A选项: laws n. 法律;法则
B选项:suggestions n. 建议
C选项:attempts n. 试图;尝试
D选项:failures n. 失败

12. According to paragraph 6, each of the following methods has been used in attempt to control Spartina EXCEPT:
Efforts <to control Spartina outside its natural environment> have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly.
shade v. 使阴暗;为…遮阳 (高中)
canvas n. 帆布(CET6)
plastic adj. 塑料的 (CET4)
smother v. 使窒息;抑制;焖熄 (托福)
dredged adj. 疏浚的 (托福)
clay n. 粘土;泥土(CET4)
apply v. 应用;申请(高中)application n.
herbicide n. 除草剂 (托福)
mow v. 割草;收割庄稼;n. 草堆
Efforts <to control Spartina outside its natural environment> have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic, smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly.试图控制Spartina在自然生存环境以外的方式包括燃烧,水淹,用黑色的帆布或者塑料遮挡阳光,用疏浚物或者粘土使其窒息,使用除草剂或者反复割草的方法。
选项A: flooding plants; 选项B: cutting plants down repeatedly; 选项C: applying herbicide都有选项对应;选项D:introducing predatory(食肉的;捕食的) insects没有选项对应。


  • clayn. 粘土,泥土 n. (人的)肉体
  • fringen. 流苏,次要,边缘,额外补贴 vt. 用流苏修饰,镶
  • modifyv. 修改,修饰,更改
  • smotherv. 使 ... 喘不过气,使 ... 窒息,掩饰,扼杀
  • valuableadj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. (pl.)贵重物品
  • herbiciden. 除草剂
  • marshn. 沼泽,湿地 Marsh:马什(人名)
  • meadown. 草地,牧场
  • marshyadj. 沼泽般的,湿软的
  • environmentn. 环境,外界