每日视频新闻:美国海军基地发生枪击案 至少12人遇难
日期:2013-09-18 08:29



路透社:美国海军基地发生枪击案 至少12人遇难




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At least a dozen killed in Navy Yard shooting
美国海军基地发生枪击案 至少12人遇难


Washington D.C. began its work week with the unimaginable. A shooting rampage inside the U.S. Navy Yard, where police believe at least one gunman killed at least eleven people and wounded several others. President Obama had this response.


SOUNDBITE: PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "We're confronting yet another mass shooting…These are men and women who were going to work, doing their job, protecting all of us. And they know the dangers of serving abroad, but today they face the unimaginable violence that they wouldn't have expected here at home." Washington, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said onesuspected shooter was dead.
奥巴马总统表示:“我们再次遭遇大规模枪击惨案……遇难的是致力于保护所有美国民众的人ToEE(~x=UD。他们了解在海外服役的危险性,但是今天,他们遭遇了在国内永远不可能预料到的难以想象的暴力FgXgxdu81g].LK|。”华盛顿特区警察局局长拉尼尔(Cathy Lanier)表示,一名枪击嫌疑人已经死亡kqmJ=_Wiu1cr0


(SOUNDBITE) (English) WASHINGTON D.C. METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPART CHIEF OF POLICE CATHY LANIER SAYING: "Right now we're continuing at least 12 fatalities. We have a few additional folks that were injured. They were not fatally injured." Earlier, an eyewitness described the harrowing moments the shooting began.
华盛顿特区警察局局长拉尼尔(Cathy Lanier):“目前,遇难人数已经增加到12人,还有一些人受伤bF+;=48g];6&Slo=。幸好他们受的不是致命伤urU|nfF)i5]!6vK。”早些时候,一名目击者描述了枪击惨案开始时的景象^s,ZhPd9t*


SOUNDBITE: NAVY COMMANDER TIM JIRUS, EYEWITNESS, SAYING: "There was an individual who came from the building behind us and was talking to me and basically saying there's a shooter in your building, then I heard two more shots one of them hit him ,he went down in front of me and I took off from there." (edit) "He was shot in the head, and it did not look like he made it,so I ran from there." Officials had no immediate motive for the shooting.
目击者,海军司令官TIM JIRUS:“一个人在我们后面从大楼里走出来,跟我说话,告诉我里面有一名枪击者,然后我听到了两声枪响,其中一枪击中了他,他就在我面前倒下,我赶紧逃离了现场8fhtj9=(cR3+W*Vp。”“他被击中了头部,看上去他肯定没救了,所以我赶紧离开了%v7qrxJz3lOJ[VW1E。”官员们目前还不清楚枪击嫌疑人的犯罪动机&qdx4F,S&u.]Yy



Philippines hostages freed
菲律宾平民人质获释 叛军逃窜


Civilian hostages caught in the fighting between rogue Muslim rebels and Philippine forces are finally reunited with their families. They were freed on Tuesday as the army moved into Zamboanga City in the south. Some say they're too frightened to return to their homes.


(SOUNDBITE) (Filipino) HOSTAGE LOLITA DIMAPELES SAYING: "We will rent a room somewhere because we do not want to return since we have been traumatized. We want to forget everything that has happened to us." The army says the rebels are fleeing to outlying islands as security forces advance.
人质LOLITA DIMAPELES说:“我们想找地方租房住,因为我们受到创伤,不敢回家,oozewteCaKz。我们想忘记之前发生的所有事情8kVUTMV=K|FRvJ。”军方表示,由于安全力量得到加强,叛军已向偏远岛屿逃窜5EL%1w~,bEKAP^X|~CM


(SOUNDBITE) (English) ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES SPOKESPERSON BRIGADIER-GENERAL DOMINGO TUTAAN SAYING: "We're hoping on the thing that hostages have been rescued or recovered, and the situation is getting better and hopefully we will be able to have this concluded at the soonest possible time."
菲律宾军队发言人,DOMINGO TUTAAN准将表示:“我们希望随着人质获救或康复,形势会越来越好,我们能够尽快结束目前的冲突#e)Q68b92]-R。”


The rebels are being forced out as the military steps up its efforts to contain them. Nearly 100 people have been killed, and about 80,000 displaced during nine days of fighting. The rebels are a breakaway faction of the Moro National Liberation Front who object to a deal with the main group to end 40 years of conflict.



Japan clears up after storm fury
超强台风万宜登陆日本 数十万人转移


People across Japan were clearing up on Tuesday in the aftermath of tropical storm Man-yi. What's referred to in Japan as Typhoon 18 claimed at least three lives, mostly in landslides. Five more washed away in flood waters are still missing. Parts of the ancient capital, Kyoto, and neighbouring Shiga prefecture, bore the brunt of the storm's fury. They got double their annual rainfall in less than 48 hours. The crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant didn't escape either. Workers dumped more than 1100 tonnes of rainwater into the ocean that built up during Monday. The plant's operator, Tepco, said radioactive substances in the water were below the permitted limit for release in the sea and weren't a risk to the environment.







5-star hotels in China test organic menus


A Five-Star hotel in Beijing wants to set a trend for adopting more health-conscious menus. The Ritz Carlton says by going organic and green, it caters to clients with food sensitivities and raises awareness about the medicinal value of food.


Executive Chef Nathan Brown has a mission.


25 to 30% by the end of next year, Brown says. This involves an ongoing campaign to get his team on the same page.


Then the hunt for the goods in China’s somewhat scarce organic market.


Brown’s quest for health-conscious menus is influenced by family and the traditional Chinese diet. He’s worked in Asia for six years.


The Ritz now offers a small of selection gluten-free pastry, organic vegetarian and vegan options.


Quite a success, considering Brown’s been with the hotel for just 12 months.


Food blogger Scarlet said, "More and more people want to go organic. China’s people have loads of money and they want to take care of their health"


Food blogger Sparrow said, "More people are just having vegetarian food. Women, especially since they want to keep their figure."


On the right track and with the right sources. Brown networks intensively with organic suppliers who have the best of everything. Gradually and ideally, Brown wants a full supply of organic and natural ingredients.






China regulates marketing of infant formula


The number of mothers who breast feed their babies in China is among the world's lowest, which means the demand for baby milk formula is high. Only about 28% of Chinese infants under 6 months are breast-fed exclusively, well below this year's global average of 40%.


China’s regulations on the marketing of breast-milk subsititutes ban the advertisment of products such as baby milk formula and feeding bottles designed to be used with babies under 6 months of age.


Companies that sell baby formula are also banned from selling baby formula in hospitals. Producers are required to highlight words that stress the importance of breast feeding on infant formula packaging.


Images of babies are also banned from use in the packaging of milk powder products.

  • rampagev. 狂暴地乱冲 n. 暴怒,狂暴行为
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪
  • intensivelyadv. 强烈地;集中地
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • permittedadj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • scarceadj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的 adv. 勉强
  • chefn. 厨师,主厨