欲望都市前传《凯莉日记》第29期: 我不想重蹈覆辙
日期:2013-07-02 11:05





I'm not taking him back. Aren't you guys planning to meet up in New York?
我没有要和他和好 你们不是打算在纽约见面吗
Yes, but I'm not going to make the same mistake I made before. I obviously scared him off last time,so no pressure this time. This is me, nonchalant.
没错 但是我不想重蹈覆辙 很显然上一次我把他吓跑了 所以这次要慢慢来 装作若无其事
Yet you're both taking a train ride to see each other. I'm telling myself that doesn't mean anything. I'm pretty convincing. So... this isn't a date. Neither one of us has used that word.
但你们俩都要乘火车去见对方一面 我告诉自己这并不代表什么 很令人信服 所以这不算约会 咱们谁也没提过这个词
So what are you gonna do? Something casual but cool, like go for ice cream at Serendipity.
那你打算怎么办 做些随意又好玩的事情 比如去"缘分天注定"餐厅吃冰淇淋
- Oh, that's so cute. - That's so lame.
-好有爱 -真没劲
And by "Cute" and "Lame," you mean "Casual but cool"?
说到"有爱"和"没劲" 这算不算"随意又好玩"
- Not at all. - No. Even if you're not saying it's a date, you could still dress like it's a date.You know, maybe wear something cute, even a little sexy.
一点不沾边 -不算 就算你没说这是约会 你还是要穿得像去会情人一样 打扮得漂亮点甚至玩点小性感
And whatever you say next, it should not involve the word "Cardigan." Remember, ladies, you need to be cool when it comes to your men.
不管你要接什么话 不能提到"羊毛开衫" 女士们 记住 涉及到你们的男人时要酷一点
Seth's not my anything. I don't even know what Sebastian is except for maybe too cool for school.Mm! But not too cool for a schoolteacher.
赛斯不是我的什么人 我根本不知道塞巴斯蒂安算什么 除了他太酷了 不适合上学 但还是勾搭上了学校老师
Not helping.
Sorry my room is so messy. It's all this stuff from Walt. I know. Probably the easiest cleanup ever.
房间太乱了 不好意思 这些都是沃尔特送的 我知道 这会是有史以来最容易的扫除
You might wanna take your time with this. Maybe there's something you wanna keep. It is two years of your life.
你最好慢慢整理 也许有你想留下来的东西 这是你两年的回忆
What, should I sit around here and get all weepy over some old valentines? That's something a drama queen would do, which, as I've already said, I am not. I'm gonna need a bigger garbage bag.
难道我要坐下来哭哭啼啼地 怀念这些老掉牙的情人节礼物吗 只有戏剧女王才会这么做 我说过了 我不是 我得准备个大点的垃圾袋
Can we decide which dress you're gonna lend me?
Yes, we can. Try this one.
好啊 试试这件





scare off <非正>使(某人)望而却步,吓跑…<非正>
例句:If you make a noise, you'll scare off the animals.
Keep quiet, or you'll scare off away the bird.


when it comes to 当提到…(作文里的高级短语,请大家一定要记住哦)
例句:When it comes to music, I'm a complete ignoramus. 更多牛津
Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care.


orry my room is so ___. It's all this stuff from Walt. I know. Probably the easiest cleanup ever.
房间太乱了 不好意思 这些都是沃尔特送的 我知道 这会是有史以来最容易的扫除
You might wanna ___ your time with this.
peered soulful-looking


  • convincingadj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.
  • nonchalantadj. 不关心的,冷淡的
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • involvevt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉