2分钟英语口语课堂(视频+中英文本) 第139期:这个客户好难搞 Talking To A Difficult Customer
日期:2017-03-23 10:19


Dealing with an Angry Customer.
Mr. Sommers: Hello.
Mr. Sommers: 你好。
Henry: Hello Sir.
Henry: 你好,先生。
Mr. Sommers: Where's Ginny?
Mr. Sommers: Ginny在哪儿?
Henry: Ginny's off today, Sir. May I help you?
Henry: Ginny今天请假了,先生。有什么需要帮助的吗?
Mr. Sommers: Where's Tom Newsome?
Mr. Sommers:Tom Newsome 去哪儿了?
Henry: He had to go to our other store. Can I help you?
Henry: 他去了我们的别的店面,需要帮助吗?
Mr. Sommers: We bought a sofa bed there, and I found a big hole in the mattress when it was delivered.
Mr. Sommers: 我们买了一个沙发床,到货的时候,我在床垫上发现了一个大洞。
Mr. Sommers: We have been buying for the past 10 years from your store. I can't believe you'd sell something like that to a loyal customer.
Mr. Sommers: 我们10年来一直从你们店里买东西。真不敢相信你们竟然卖这样的东西给你们忠诚的客户。
Henry: We appreciate your loyalty towards our store. I'm terribly sorry for that. I can't believe our warehouse could ship a damaged piece of furniture.
Henry: 我们感激您对我们的客户的忠诚,我为发生这样的事情感到抱歉。我也不敢相信藏居竟然运送一件破损的家具。
Mr. Sommers [raising his voice a bit]: Well they sure did! I just told you they did! Don't you believe me?
Mr. Sommers: (提高声调)可是他们就这么做了!我告诉你了,他们这么做了!你不相信我?
Henry: I'm sorry Sir. I didn't mean that you weren't telling the truth. I meant that I was surprised that we did that. Do you have your sales receipt?
Henry: 抱歉,先生。我不是说您在说谎,我是说我也很惊讶竟然犯了这样的错误。发票您还有吗?
Mr. Sommers: We've got to have a sofa by Wednesday. My daughter-in-law will be coming to stay with us on Wednesday.
Mr. Sommers: 最晚周三沙发就要到,我的女婿周三要过来和我们一起住。
Henry: Yes, Sir. We'll take care of it for you. I'm sure we can fix the problem.
Henry: 好,先生。我们会照顾好你的。我确定我能把这个问题解决。
Dealing with an Irritated Customer.
Jane: This is Jane. I'm the sales manager. How can I help you?
Jane: 这是Jane。我是销售经理,有什么需要帮助的吗?
Sarah: Hello. I haven't received my package yet. It's almost been a week and I've already paid for it.
Sarah: 你好,我还没收到我的包裹。都差不多一周了,我都付钱了。
Jane: I'm really sorry about that, ma'am. But, first, may I have your name please?
Jane: 真的很抱歉,女士。但是,首先,能告诉我您的姓名吗?
Sarah: This is Sarah Roberts. I need the package by today. The package is a gift to my friend and it's her birthday today.
Sarah: Sarah Roberts。我今天就要用包裹,是给我朋友的礼物,今天是她的生日。
Jane: We are sorry for the delay and we'll try to take care of the issue. What was the date of the order?
Jane: 抱歉包裹迟到了,我们会努力解决这个问题。订单日期是什么时候?
Sarah: I don't think that would help. You just take my order number and deliver my product by noon.
Sarah: 我不认为那能管什么用。你只要用我的订单编号,到中午寄送我的东西。
Jane: Ms. Roberts, if you tell me the date you placed the order, I'll check whether it has been sent or not. I'm here to help you.
Jane: Roberts女士,如果你告诉我货物寄送的日期,我可以查查有没有发货。我是来帮你的。
Sarah: Oh, all right. The date of the order is February 16, 2014.
Sarah: 哦,好吧。2014年2月16号。
Jane: Okay. I've checked it. Your order has already been dispatched and it's scheduled to be delivered today.
Jane: 好,查到了。已经发货了,按计划今天能到。
Sarah: I hope so. I'm tired of calling you guys again and again.
Sarah: 我希望是这样, 一次又一次地给你们打电话真的很累。
Jane: I'm sorry for your trouble.
Jane: 抱歉给您带来困扰。
Helping a Customer to Solve a Problem.
Victor: Hello, can I speak to the customer support department?
Victor: 你好,能接顾客服务中心吗?
Norah: Yes, this is customer support. How can I help you?
Norah: 是,这里是客户服务,需要什么帮助吗?
Victor: I got the portable audio player I ordered from you, but it's not working.
Victor: 我从你们那买了一个便携式英语播放器,可是它不管用。
Norah: Oh? I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me your order number?
Norah: 哦?很抱歉听到这个消息。你能告诉我您的订单编号吗?
Victor: Hold on… I have it right here. Yes, it's 5678.
Victor: 等一下,就在这儿,嗯,是5678。
Norah: Okay. The product you have is the portable media player. Can you tell me what's the problem?
Norah: 好,你买的是便携式媒体播放器,出了什么问题?
Victor: Well, I connected it to the TV, but it's not turning on.
Victor: 嗯,我把它连到电视上,但是不能开机。
Norah: How did you connect it to the TV?
Norah: 怎么连接的?
Victor: I used the USB port.
Victor: 我用的是USB。
Norah: Well, the USB is for PC connections only on this model. You can't connect to the TV with it.
Norah: 嗯,USB是个人电脑接这个设备的,不能用它接电视。
Victor: What? What do I do then? How can I use it if I can't connect it to the TV? This is crazy!
Victor: 什么?我做了什么?不能接电视,我怎么还用它接?太疯狂了!
Norah: Please, don't worry Sir. You can connect it to the TV using an HDMI cable.
Norah: 请,别担心,先生。可以用HDMI缆线连接电视。
Victor: An HDMI cable? Oh… But there was no HDMI cable in the box.
Victor: HDMI缆线?可是盒子里没有啊。
Norah: Yes, it's not included. You'll have to get one.
Norah: 嗯,是没有,不包含缆线。你得自己找一个。
Victor: Why haven't you guys included the HDMI cable? Where do you expect me to get one right now?
Victor: 为什么你们不包HDMI缆线?现在你们让我上哪儿找去?
Norah: I am sorry Sir, but this device has 4 different kind of ports in it. We didn't include any cables for any of those so that we could offer you the best price on the device instead of charging you for stuff you won't need.
Norah: 抱歉,先生。这个设备有四种不同的接口,我们不包含任何一种,不然您就要为您不需要的东西付费。我们可以为您的产品提供最优惠的价格。
Victor: Okay… But it's hell lot of trouble going downtown to get a silly HDMI cable.
Victor: 好吧,但是这个HDMI 缆线出了很多的问题。
Norah: If you want, you can order one from us. We'll ship it within 24 hours.
Norah: 如果您愿意的话,您也可以从我们这里定一个,我们会在24小时内发货。
Victor: Nah, I don't need it from you guys. Thanks anyway.
Victor: 不,我不要从你们这里买。谢谢。
Norah: Sorry to hear that sir. I will discuss your feedback with my seniors.
Norah: 听到这个消息很难过,我会和我的上级商讨您给的的反馈。
Victor: Yeah yeah… Alright. Bye now.
Victor: 嗯,好吧,再见。
Norah: Have a nice day, Sir.
