ESL面试英语问答(MP3+字幕) 第22期
日期:2015-03-27 10:49


听力文本如下: presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode two.

Your career goals are what you want to do with your work life-what you want to do in terms of the work that you do.
When he says that he's looking for a job "that is more aligned" his "career goals," he means he's looking for something that is closer to what he wants to do.
The verb to align, "align," means to put things together-to combine things so that there's a good match.
So, he's looking for a different career that is better matched to what his goals are.
He says, "Although I've worked successfully in sales for the past several years, my education and my interests are more closely related to marketing."
So he's saying, "Well, I know I've worked in sales, and this is a different job," a different kind of job, "however, I have education in this area and I'm interested in this area."
This is an especially good way to answer this question if you're moving to a different kind of job-from a software engineer to a manager position.
When you are changing your career, you want to say that you still have experience or education related to this new job.
He says he'd "like to find a position that would allow" him to have "more responsibility than" he had at his last position.
Once again, he's showing his ambition-he's showing his desire to succeed-to do better. He's looking for "more responsibility."
Usually, when we talk about responsibility at a job, we mean the person is looking to be a boss-is looking to be a manager or a supervisor, or someone who has more important work to do.
