ESL面试英语问答(MP3+字幕) 第16期
日期:2015-03-13 10:42


听力文本如下: presents "Interview Questions Answered," episode two.

So, don't talk about the ten jobs that you had in the last year; that would not make you look very good.
Use the opportunity of this question to tell the interviewer more about your skills and abilities.
Even though the question is "Why did you leave your last job," you can include in your answer more information about why you are a good person for this job.
As always, you want to keep your explanation fairly short, otherwise the interviewer might think that you are making excuses.
You don't want to give a long list of reasons why you left your last job;
you want to be honest, positive and brief in your answer.
Let's listen to a sample answer now, then we will discuss the answer and listen to it again at a normal speed.
Here we go.
I've been with Lotadoe for over five years and I've enjoyed working there.
I learned a lot about software development and how to work effectively with my colleagues.
About two years ago, I began getting interested in other aspects of design and started learning about new ways that the field is creating and developing new designs.
I completed training that qualifies me to oversee other types of projects than the ones I work on now at Lotadoe.
That's why I'm now looking for a company that will allow me to more fully utilize my new skills and where I can take on new challenges.
What I see in this position is also the opportunity for growth and advancement.
I think that my current skills and abilities are a good match with the current needs of this company.
In answering the question "Why did you leave your last job, and why are you looking for a new job,"
our first sample answer begins by the woman saying that she has worked that she has worked for her current company, Lotadoe, "for over five years, and I've enjoyed working there."
Notice that she's positive right away.
"I've worked here for x number of years"-two years, five years, ten years-"and I enjoyed it"-it was a good job.
So, she starts by saying something positive.
