日期:2012-01-05 13:37


A: Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale? 能告诉我哪里能买到正在打折的新鲜的水果吗?
B: Well, we've got some great mangoes on sale. 嗯,我们有很不错的芒果正在打折。
A: Mangoes? What are mangoes? 芒果?芒果是什么?
B: Well, it's a fruit with a big seed in it. 嗯,是一种中间有很大种子的水果。
A: Can you eat the seed? 那个种子能吃吗?
B: No. Peel the skin with a sharp knife, and throw out the seed. 不能。用快刀把果皮削了,然后把中间的核扔掉。
A: Well, how much are they? 嗯,多少钱?
B: Well, they're on sale today for only $1 each. 嗯,这些今天特价,一元一个。
A: Can you describe their taste? 你能描述他们的味道吗?
B: They usually taste sweet, but they remind me of an orange. 他们尝起来很甜,但是让我想到了橙子。
A: How can I tell if they're ripe? 我怎么判断他们熟了没有呢?
B: You can buy them either ripe or unripe. Unripe ones are hard. 不论有没有熟,你都可以买。没有熟的很硬。
A: Where do they grow mangoes? 芒果是在哪里生长的?
B: The ones that are on sale are from Central America. 这些在特价中的是在中美洲。

  • peeln. 果皮 vt. 削皮,剥落 vi. 脱皮,脱衣服,脱
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成