日期:2010-08-30 09:27


1. I feel so unloved and alone. Last year, when my dad died, I hit bottom. 我感觉不到有人爱我,很是孤独。去年我父亲去世后,我就感到万念俱灰。

hit bottom 感到绝望,痛苦得不能再痛苦了,差到极限了。When a students grades hit bottom it is time to hit the books. 当一个学生门门课都考得一塌糊涂时,他就该看看书了吧。hit bottom的延伸说法:hit rock bottom,绝望透顶。

  类似的说法还有,hit the wall: Weve just about hit the wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget.“在平衡预算方案一事上,我们现在已经是束手无策。”

2. A husband should not twist his wife’s arm to do his will.

警察抓人就喜欢把人的手拧到背后,这就是twist one’s arm, 也就是“强行”的意思。“做丈夫的不应该把自己的意志强加给妻子。”

3. What bugged me, though, was that she blamed me!

bug 本意为虫子,口语里有另外两个意思,一是 令人讨厌,就像一个虫子一样,这句话里的bug就是这个意思。

She keeps bugging me.她老是烦我。还一个意思是“窃听”。National Security guys bug me all the time. 国家安-全局的那几个家伙老是窃听我的电话。这句话也可以这么说:Those guys like to eavesdrop on ordinary Chinese citizens. 这些家伙窃听普通中国公民上了瘾。Those guys developed a program to rapidly monitor the phone calls and other communications of people.那些家伙开发了一种程序能迅速监控人们的电话和其它通讯往来。

4 Kickoff, 开始

He kicked off his White House campaign yesterday.

5. Whenever Im down in the dumps, rather than wallow in my troubles, I try to do things that will get my mind off them.

dump 垃圾场, wallow, 猪在泥中打滚,get my mind off 不去想这些事。每当我遇到烦心的事事,我总会找些事做,不让自己想不开,不老想着这些事。

6. When they play, it is history.

注意例句:My relationship with her is already a history.a history 与history 意思很不相同。

7. roll 的基本意思是“滚动”,在口语里常用。
  Can the Chinese team keep rolling 中国队还能保持势头吗?
  Let’s roll. 让我们开始吧!让我们继续前进吧。

  They should roll back their support of a dictatorship government. 他们应该终止对独裁政权的支持。
  Rock n Roll, 摇滚 Do you like Rock n Roll music
  I am glad that you have got the ball rolling.我很高兴你已经把事情推动运作起来了。

8. Life is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs.

9. Gratify, 我们一般知道“满足”的英文是satisfy,
口语里现在常用“gratify”:That is very gratifying to me.

10. the sticks,这里的sticks 是“树林,深林”的意思。

He is a guy in the sticks, how could you expect him to know that?

stick-thin, 或者 as thin as a stick 骨瘦如柴 I remember her as a stick-thin teenager. 我的记忆里,她是个骨瘦如柴的青少年。

比较:out of the woods脱离深林,意即“脱离危险”。

  • eavesdropvi. 偷听
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • gratifyv. 使满足,使高兴 v. 酬劳,回报
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞