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2014年12月GMAT阅读机经之黑人女性的beauty business
日期:2014-12-31 11:13


1. 黑人女性的beauty business

  V1 ( 760)

  p1. 讲一个黑人女性创办了一个beauty business, 来target an underserved market niche. 这个niche就是那些黑人女性,这个business 专门服务于她们让她们感受到the benefits that polished appearance can bring to them so that they can improve their financial and social status in the US society. 然后讲她的营销策略就是找那些有名的人作为代言人,营造一种beauty和social status相连的理念。。。

  p2,。讲这个人创办这个事业的目的是为了帮助黑人女性提高社会地位并且给他们传授这种美丽的理念。她不仅影响了女性顾客,还会影响她的员工,and she encourages her employees to take commissions in their sales. This creates job opportunities for the disadvantaged black women labor and helped them achieve financial and social improvement. She also encourages her staff to donate to their local communities to make a positive impact.



