日期:2017-08-16 07:01



While we're talking about animals, there's a study I read, I wanna share it with you.
我们讨论动物的时候 我想跟你们分享一个我读过的调查
Apparently dogs love their owners five times more than cats do.
I don't know how they come up with that, but five times more.
我不知道他们怎么得出的结论 但是远远不止五倍
And they proved it, they compared how dogs react when you come home and
他们证明了这个结论 通过对比主人回家时
how cats react when the owners come home.



Here's how dogs react. That's really sweet
这里是狗狗的反应 真是温馨啊
Okay so, If anyone here has cats, they're different,
好了 那么 如果有人养了猫 画风就有点不一样了
They're just different, here's a cat greeting its owner.
画风真的不一样了 这里是一只猫对主人打招呼的反应
Captain Jingles, I'm home. Here buddy. Captain Jingles didn't care.
Jingles队长 我回来了 过来 哥们儿 Jingles队长 懒得理我
To be fair, he was in camouflage. Maybe the cat didn't see him.
说句公道话 他穿着迷彩服呢 可能猫咪压根没看见他
