日期:2017-05-05 18:41



You know around Halloween, people go to haunted houses to get scared.
大家知道 在万圣节前后 人们都喜欢去鬼屋找刺激
Everybody gets all excited about haunted houses.
But I..um..I like to scare year around.
但 我 我吓人可不分节日的
I don't think that there needs to
It's not seasonal. You can scare people year around.
如果你喜欢 任何时候你都可以吓别人
I go to Greenland to scare people even
I'll make my producer Coray hide in a little table for 20minutes


just to scare a guest.
Sure he can get stuck or run out of there
当然 他可能会被吓傻或吓跑
but I'm willing to take a risk like that. That's......
And today I saw a study online that says that getting scared is actually good for you.
今天我看了一个研究说 受惊吓其实对人是有好处的
I know it sounds unbelievable but I read it on the Internet, so it's true.
我知道这听起来难以置信 但这是我在网上看到的 所以就是真的
Scientists found that getting scared jolts your nerves to make you believe that feel happy.
科学家发现 受惊吓能够刺激你的神经 让你感觉很开心
It's a natural high like running or hiking or LSD.
这就是一种自然的兴奋反应 就像是跑步啊 登山啊或是磕药啊
It's the same......
And they found that after watching a scary movie , people have the same sence of calm
科学家们也发现 看完恐怖片后 人们会有一种平静的感觉
that you will experience after yoga.
So this morning, instead of doing my yoga. I watched "Nightmare On Elm Street".
于是今早我就没做瑜伽 我还看了《猛鬼街》
Scientists even found that when you get scared
科学家甚至发现 当你受惊吓时
your brain gets flooded with same chemicals that you have when you are in love.
See I scare out of love.
看到没 我可是因为爱你才害怕的
That's what I do. I scare because I love.
那就是我 我爱故我怕
And I loving scaring people. And today......well......
当然 我也很喜欢吓别人 而今天要说的……等下
First of all, I lov scaring Andy, I should say that. The most.
首先我要说 我喜欢吓安迪 这个我承认 好吧 我最爱吓他了
I love scaring my guests. I love scaring Andy.
我喜欢吓嘉宾 我喜欢吓安迪
I love scaring my stuff. I love scaring Andy.
我喜欢吓同事 我喜欢吓安迪
And um.... I love scaring my audience.
呃…… 我也喜欢吓观众
And today, before the show, I got a few of you.
而在这期节目之前 你们有些人已经被我吓到了哟
I hid in the bathroom in the REFRANROOM with Adam Levine.
And I know a lot of you are thinking Man, I wish I had gone to the bathroom then.
我知道很多人现在在想 噢天!早知道我也去了!
Here's what happened.
Did you pay already? Yes......
你付钱了没? 嗯,给了……
Oh my god. The lady is gonna make it to the door.
天呐 她居然走了
Hahaha.... She's gonna make it to the door?
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 她真的走了?!
Hello! Oh my god!!
No way!! I've always wanted to be scared by you!
You can check that on be pocked list!
My god! It's really a great job!
天呐! 好赞!
I am so happy. Now you can really go pay.
You are welcome! Grow and love....Now we dance!

  • nightmaren. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的