日期:2017-05-09 16:21



Since you play a doctor on TV, we thought we play a little game
哇喔 既然你在电视上都演过医生了 那我们今天就来玩个小游戏吧
And you are a doctor, I'm a patient.
你演医生 我演患者
And different medical terms gonna pop on that screen over there.
I'm gonna have to guess what they are based on what you're doing to me
We're a family shows, so a......a.....ok?
我们这是个家庭节目…所以…呃…你懂的(意思是别做的太专业 搞笑点)


I'm going to say that's not the kind of doctor that I remember.
好好 我保证绝对不专业
Yes..No.We are playing a different kind of doctor than what you played
嗯嗯 对 要演一个完全不一样的医生
Understood.I will keep my hands on myself. Ok! Good. Good boy.
遵命 我会控制我自己的 我尽量 好 那就好 好小子
For the most part. Alright.
尽量哈 好
Sixty seconds on the clock I have to guess what you are
限时60秒 看我能猜中多少个
Remember,I'm not a real doctor. I just played what on television.
好 记住 我不是真正的医生 我只是演的
Let's do it! Ok!
嗯 开始吧好
Ok. The Heimlich. Yeah!
好 海姆利克氏操作法 对!
Let me help you. A..e...o...oo...
我来帮你 啊…呃…哦…哦…
You are checking my tonsils?
Em....Sore Throat. A glance from glass. Oh...o....
嗯…喉咙痛 噢…噢…天…
What? A baby? Yes! Will that count?!
啥?生娃?对!! 这个算吗?!
Oh....um...em.... Mouth to mouth. Yea......disgusting!
噢…嗯…呃…人工呼吸 耶!……这个好恶心…
What was that? Lice?Yes!
Oh...... What do we play?
噢我去… 下一个我们玩儿什么?
I just... I just love it as a doctor . You just wait for the baby to fly out.
我…我觉得当医生很棒 因为你可以就在那儿守着 等小孩儿飞出来
Thirty-two! Almost had! Allright. You did very well.
32!快出来啦!好了 你做的很不错哦
It's like you are a real doctor or something.
《Code Black》airs wednesdays at 10:00 on TVs. Rob Lowe! Everybody!
欢迎大家收看《黑色代码》 每周三上午十点不见不散! 掌声送给罗伯·劳!

  • glancev. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过 n. 一瞥
  • screenn. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风 v. 放映,选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽
  • coden. 码,密码,法规,准则 vt. 把 ... 编码,制
  • robv. 抢劫,掠夺