CNN名人专访(MP3 中英字幕):弗朗西斯科波拉大导演的另一片天
日期:2014-07-11 09:18


Vintage Coppola,fine wine and iconic films flow through legendary director's career.

REVEALED:Master filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola relaxes in the grounds of his vineyard in California. He appears to be a man very much at peace with himself. An Oscar winner who is responsible for a series of films that have consistently been voted as being among the best ever to be made, to describe him as a living legend is no exaggeration. Born in Detroit in the year the Second World War started, a childhood illness left him bedridden for long periods.
FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, DIRECTOR AND VINTNERS:I don't think I was a very extraordinary person, certainly a very extraordinary kid. I, if anything, I had a good imagination, and I was just in love with science and girls. And that brought me to theater.
REVEALED:During the 60s, he teamed up with a man who was going to have a long-lasting impact on his future plans. Alongside George Lucas, he set up film company American Zoetrope. The Godfather won three Oscars and is generally regarded as one of the greatest films ever. Coppola is quick to acknowledge the impact the film had on the rest of his life.FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, DIRECTOR AND VINTNERS:That project really changed my career to something very different than I would have imagined. I never would have thought of myself as, you know, kind of a more Hollywood or industry film director, or certainly not at that level of success.
REVEALED:The Godfather was the first film in a trilogy. completed over almost two decades. For a lot of directors, it would represent an unsurpassable body of work, but Coppola had another masterpiece up his sleeve. An iconic scene from one of the greatest films of all times, set to the music of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyriesl, Apocalypse Now was an epic movie set during the Vietnam War. It was the film that nearly destroyed Francis Ford Coppola's fledgling career. Filming, which started in 1976, took the better part of three years to complete and ran into immediate financial difficulties. Against all the odds, the movie was completed.Alongside his first loves-family and film-Coppola has slowly been developing a new passion. In California's Napa Valley, ,he has his own vineyard, which has established quite a reputation. It was hailed as a masterpiece and went on to win numerous awards.Alongside his first loves-family and film-Coppola has slowly been developing a new passion. In California's Napa Valley, ,he has his own vineyard, which has established quite a reputation.
揭秘〉---《教父》是-套三部曲当中的第一集,整部影片历经将近二十年才完成。对于许多导演而言,这么一整部的作品想必已是无可超越的一大成就。不过,科波拉却还有另一部经典之作。这幕经典的画面取自电影史上的一部伟大巨作,配乐是瓦格纳歌剧《女武神的飞行》,《现代启示录》(注)是一部史诗电影,故事背景为越战。这部片几乎毁掉了科波拉才刚起步的电影事业。这部电影的拍摄工作始于1976 年,花了将近年才大功告成,并随即遭遇到财务困难。不过,尽管困难重重,这部电影终于还是制作完成,结果被赞誉为经典之作,并且获奖逛逛。除了自始至终热爱的家庭与电影之外,科波拉也逐渐培养出一个新的爱好。在加利福尼亚州纳帕谷,他拥有自己的葡萄园,目前已颇有名气。
FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, DIRECTOR AND VINTNERS:I realized then about, I don't know 15 years ago, that the movie business wasn't really a business, that it was a crazy activity in which you might have a lot of success one year, but you couldn't bank on it. And the wine business was really like every year you could do better than you had done the year before, and you could predict it.And I said, jeez, you know, that's... this is like a job. This is like a real job, and maybe I could use that to subsidize my own film, and I could be an artist, because how can you be an artist unless you have a day job? Oddly enough, the god of wine and the god of drama is the same god-Bacchus.
REVEALED:The vineyard has helped Coppola finance his latest film, Tetro, a saga of family fortunes. He both wrote and directed it.

  • masterpiecen. 杰作
  • consistentlyadj. 一致的,始终如一的
  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多
  • establishedadj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est
  • acknowledgevt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到
  • legendn. 传说,传奇
  • fledglingn. 刚会飞的幼鸟,尚缺乏经验的人
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • epicn. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,