CNN名人专访(MP3 中英字幕):Lgdy Gaga的搞怪艺术观
日期:2014-07-03 10:32


Entertainment. PoP Misfit. Ladygaga talks art, music and fame.

Infectious melodies, the biggest debut album of the year and hit singles including one of the best-selling digital songs of all time. The 23-year-old New Yorker has risen to global fame in barely a year.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:You've achieved a massive amount of fame in a short period of time, so how has it all been for you?


LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:It's been life-changing, but very exciting for my music, and as a songwriter it's been a long time coming. I spent two and a half years writing my album, and it's my greatest hits.
流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:我的人生自此改变了,对于我的音乐而言,这是非常令人兴奋的事情。身为歌曲创作者,这是长期努力的结果。我花了两年半的时间创作我的专辑,里面收录的都是我的最佳单曲。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:You're also a songwriter; you write your own stuff. So, how does that creative process take place?


LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:In all sorts of ways. Inspiration comes to me all day long, every day. Sometimes when I'm falling asleep, I have these visions. But it's not just music—it's music, it's the clothing, it's the stage performance.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:各种各样的方式都有。我在每天的任何时刻都会获得灵感。有时候,在我的睡眠中也会出现一些画面。不只是音乐,有音乐、服装,也有舞台表演。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Do you feel that you're more of a performance artist than a pop star?

LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:I certainly am a performance artist, yes.
流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:我的确是行为艺术家,没错。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Yeah. And do you ever fear that what you got goin' today with your costume, your persona, I shouldn't say persona, because you are Gaga-your music, the entire package... will it be able to stay there? I'm trying to ask about the longevity, 'cause pop careers, sometimes they last like this (snaps fingers). How are you gonna stick around?

《亚洲名人聊天室》克里斯蒂·卢·斯托特:的确。你会不会担心你今天深受欢迎的服装和你所扮演的角色——不对,我不该说角色,因为你是Lady Gaga-还有你的音乐,这整套的呈现……是不是能够持续下去?我问的是演艺寿命,因为流行音乐事业,有时候弹指之间就结束了。你要怎么继续下去?

LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:How am I going to stick around? Well, the truth is that careers are either (snaps fingers), like you said, lightning fast, or they're forever, and they're historica. They are made up of a select group of women that changed the way that society views what a lady is supposed to be. And I just must remain prolific11 and relevant, as equally irrelevant, and continue to make great music. Longevity has a lot to do with discipline and ambition, which are two things that are certainly in my blood.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:我要怎么继续下去?事实上,每个人的事业要不是像你说的那样稍纵即逝,就是恒久持续,并在历史上占有重要地位,这部分是由一群优秀的女性组成,她们改变了社会对于女性该扮演什么角色的观点:而我就是必须不断推出大量作品,跟上时代潮流,同时又不理会时代潮流,持续创作好听的音乐。事业寿命的长短与自制力及野心息息相关,而我绝对天生具备这两项特质。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Now, you've cited Andy Warhol as a major influence. I mean, he's someone who did have a lot of longevity in his work, of course-it still resonates today-but why is he in particular an influential person to you?


LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:He made commercial art that was taken seriously as fine art. And I'm starting to notice a change in the Tides as well. When I first came out it was, "Who is this crazy girl?" And then it's, "Who's this crazy girl with all the hit records?" And now I find that I'm being probed a bit more.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:他创作的商业艺术作品获得了正视,被当做艺术品看待。我也开始注意到流行潮流中的一个变化。我刚出道的时候,大家的反应是“这个疯狂的女孩是谁?”接着是“这个每张唱片都这么畅销的疯狂女孩是准?”现在,我则发现自己受到的刺探多了一点。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:What do you mean being probed?

LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:People want to know more about my musical background as a musician. They want to understand more about my songwriting process. They're interested in the inspirations behind the shows. It's not just about trying to put me in a category anymore. People are starting to realize that I don't belong in a category, and they're alright with that. Change bothers people, but I'm sort of a pop musical misfit.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:大家想要知道更多我身为音乐人的音乐背景。他们想要进一步了解我创作歌曲的过程。他们对于我表演背后的灵感感兴趣,不再只想把我归入一个类别,人们开始意识到我不属于一个特定的类别,而且也能接受这一点。改变总是让人不安,但我就像个与其他人格格不入的流行乐艺人。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Now let's get back to your background and I want to ask you what it was like being Gaga as a kid, and I can gather that you weren't a shy kid.


流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:不是。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Did you like showing off?

LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:I was a real pain in the ass.
流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:我是个让人很头痛的小孩。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:Yeah? How so? What did you do?


LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:I just was very loud. I was always singing and dancing, and my father was always laughing with me, and... I had a great childhood. I just was a very dramatic. young woman. During free time, I was in the chapel playing some classical piece that I was learning or writing music. I just was (a)very creative young woman. And I'm just a very Secluded person. I mean, just in all honesty, I only associate now even with the people that I work with. I don't really have many friends and it's the life that I Choose.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:我很爱吵闹,我随时都在唱歌跳舞,我爸爸总是和我一起大笑……我的童年过得很精彩。我是个很爱表现的小女孩。空闲时间,我不是在教堂里弹奏我正在学习的古典乐曲,就是在写歌。我就是个充满创作力的小女孩。不过,我也是个很封闭的人。我是说,老实说,我现在甚至只和共事的人来往。我的朋友不多,这是我自己选择的生活。

KRISTIE LU STOUT, TALK ASIA:And when you were writing the song Poporozzi at the time, were you already conceiving the stage performance at the same time?


LADY GAGA. POP PERFORMER:I was a little bit, but I truthfully was just reading Tabloids like they were textbooks. I just ... would buy every scandal book, every paper, every magazine that I could get my hands on, and I would tear sheets out and imagery. That is the most Warholian thing about what I do is that I embrace pop culture. The very thing that everybody says is Poisonous and ostentatious and shallow , it's my ... it's like my chemistry book, and I look through everything, and I make what I believe to be art out of it.

流行乐歌手 Lady Gaga:有一点,但其实我当时只是把八卦小报当成教科书来读。我会买每一本我找得到的有关丑闻的书籍、报纸和杂志,然后把里面的页面和图片撕下来。我最厉害的一点,就是我热爱流行文化,就是大家都说是有害、做作又肤浅的东西。流行文化就像我的化学课本,我什么都看,然后从中得出我所认为的艺术。

  • shallowadj. 浅的,薄的 n. 浅滩,浅处 v. 变浅
  • creativeadj. 创造性的
  • categoryn. 种类,类别
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • ostentatiousadj. 装饰表面的,浮夸的,华美的
  • chapeln. 小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • costumen. 服装,剧装 vt. 提供服装,为 ... 设计服装
  • honestyn. 诚实,正直
  • musiciann. 音乐家,作曲家