1. They sailed well and the old man soaked his handsin the salt waterand triedto keep his head clear.There were high cumulus clouds and enough cirrus above themsothatthe old man knewthebreeze would last all night. The old man looked at the fishconstantlyto make sure it was true. Itwas an hour before the first shark hit him.
1.他们航行得很好,老人把手浸在盐水里(in the salt water),努力保持头脑清醒(keep one's head)。积云(cumulus clouds)堆聚得很高,上空还有相当多的卷云(enough cirrus),因此(so that)老人看出这风将刮上整整一夜(the breeze would last all night)。老人时常(constantly)对鱼望望,好确定真有这么回事。这时候是第一条鲨鱼袭击他的前一个钟点。
2. The shark was not an accident. He had come upfrom deep down in the waterasthe dark cloud of bloodhad settled and dispersedin themile deep sea. He had come upso fast and absolutelywithout caution thathe broke the surfaceof the blue water and was in the sun. Then he fell back into the sea and pickedup the scent and started swimmingon the coursethe skiff and thefish had taken.
2.这条鲨鱼的出现不是偶然的(not an accident)。当(as 当…时候)那一大片暗红的血(the dark cloud of blood)在一英里的海里下沉并扩散(disperse)的时候,它从水底深处上来了(come up)。它窜上来得很么快,全然不顾一切(without caution),竟然冲破了蓝色的水面,来到阳光里。跟着它又掉回(fall back)海里,嗅到了血腥气的踪迹,就顺着小船(skiff)和那鱼所走的路线游去。
3. Sometimes he lost the scent. But hewouldpick it up again, or have justatrace of it, and he swam fast and hard on the course. He wasa very big mako sharkbuiltto swim as fast asthe fastest fishin the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws. His back wasas blue as a sword fish's and his belly was silver and his hide was smooth and handsome. He wasbuiltasa sword fish except for his hugejawswhich were tight shut nowashe swam fast, just under the surface with his high dorsal fin knifingthrough the waterwithoutwavering.Insidethe closed double lip of his jaws all of his eight rowsof teeth were slantedinwards. They were notthe ordinary pyramid-shaped teeth ofmost sharks. They were shaped like a man's fingerswhenthey arecrisped like claws. They were nearly as long as the fingers of theold man and they had razor-sharpcuttingedgeson both sides.This was a fishbuiltto feed on all thefishes in the sea,thatwere so fast and strong and well armedthatthey hadno other enemy. Nowhe speeded upashe smelledthefresher scentand his blue dorsal fin cut the water.
3.有时候它迷失了那气味。但是它总会重新嗅到,或者就嗅到那么一点儿,就飞快地使劲跟上。它是一条很大的灰鲭鲨(mako shark),生来就有一副好体格(built),能游得跟海里最快的鱼一般快。周身的一切都很美,除了它的上下颚(jaws)。它的背部和剑鱼的一般蓝,肚子是银色的,鱼皮(hide 偏意:兽皮;(口)人的皮肤)光滑而漂亮。它长得和剑鱼一般,除了它那张正紧闭着的大嘴。它眼下就在水面下迅速地游着,高耸的背鳍像刀子般划破水面,一点也不抖动(without wavering)。在这紧闭着的双唇里面,八排牙齿全都朝里倾斜着(slanted inwards)。它们和大多数鲨鱼牙齿不同,不是一般的金字塔形。它们像爪子般蜷曲起来的(when they are crisped like claws)人的手指,几乎跟这老人的手指一般长,两边都有刀片般锋利的快口。这种鱼生来(built)就拿海里所有的鱼当食料,它们游得那么快、那么健壮,武器齐备,所向无敌(no other enemy)。它闻到了这新鲜的血腥气,此刻正加快了速度,蓝色的脊鳍划破了水面。
4.Whenthe old man saw him coming heknew thatthis was a sharkthathadno fear at allandwould do exactlywhathe wished. He prepared the harpoon and made therope fastwhilehe watched the sharkcome on. The rope was shortasit lackedwhathe had cut away tolash the fish. The old man's head was clear and good now and hewas full of resolution but he hadlittle hope. It wastoogoodtolast, he thought. Hetook one look atthe great fishashe watched the sharkclose in.It might as well have been a dream,he thought. I cannot keep him from hitting me butmaybe I can get him, Dentist, he thought.Bad luck to your mother.
4.老人看见它正在游来,看出这是条毫无畏惧而坚决为所欲为的鲨鱼。他准备好了鱼叉,系紧了绳子,同时注视着鲨鱼向前游来。绳子短了,缺了他割下用来绑鱼的那一截。老人此刻头脑清醒正常,充满了决心(was full of resolution),但并不抱着多少希望。光景太好了,不可能持久的,他想。他注视着鲨鱼在逼近(close in),抽空朝那条大鱼望上一眼(take a look at),这简直等于是一场梦。我没法阻止它来袭击我,但是也许我能弄死它。登多索鲨,他想,你它妈交上坏运啦。
5. The shark closed fastasternandwhen he hitthe fishthe old man saw his mouthopenand his strange eyes and theclicking chop of the teethashe drove forward in the meatjust above the tail. Theshark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man couldhearthe noise of skin and flesh rippingonthe big fishwhen he rammed the harpoon downonto the shark's headata spotwherethe line between his eyes intersectedwiththe line that ran straight back from his nose.There wereno such lines.There wasonly the heavy sharpblue head and the big eyes and the clicking, thrusting all-swallowing jaws. But that was the location of the brainand the old man hit it. He hit itwithhis blood-mushed handsdrivinga good harpoonwith all his strength. He hit itwithout hope butwith resolution andcomplete malignancy.
5.鲨鱼飞速地逼近船尾,它袭击那鱼的时候,老人看见它张开了嘴,看见它那双奇异的眼睛,它咬住鱼尾巴上面一点儿的地方,牙齿咬得嘎吱嘎吱响。鲨鱼的头露出在水面上,背部正在出水。老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音。这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线(the line between his eyes)和从鼻子笔直通到背部的那条线(the line thatran straight back from his nose)的交叉点上。这两条线实际是并不存在的。只有那沉重、尖锐的蓝色脑袋、两只大眼睛和那嘎吱作响、吞噬一切的突出的两颚。可是那儿正是脑子的所在,老人直朝它扎去。他使出(用尽)全身的力气,用糊着鲜血的双手,把一支好鱼叉向它扎去。他扎它,并不抱着希望,但是带着决心和十足的恶意(with resolution and complete malignancy)。
6. The shark swungoverand the old man sawhis eye was not aliveand thenlie swungoveronce again, wrapping himselfintwo loops of the rope. The oldman knew thathe wasdeadbut the sharkwould not accept it. Then, onhis back,withhis tail lashing and his jaws clicking, the shark plowed over the waterasa speedboatdoes. The water was whitewherehis tail beat itand three-quarters of his body was clearabove the waterwhenthe rope came taut, shivered, and then snapped. The shark lay quietlyfor alittle whileon the surface and the old man watched him. Then he wentdown very slowly.
7."He took about forty pounds," the oldman said aloud. He took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now myfish bleeds again and there will be others.
8. He did not like to look at the fish anymoresincehe had been mutilated. When the fish had been hitit wasas thoughhehimself were hit. (虚拟语气)But I killed the sharkthat hit my fish, he thought. And he was the biggest dentusothat I have ever seen. And Godknows that I have seen big ones.
9. It was too good to last, he thought. I wishit had been a dreamnow and thatI had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed on the newspapers.
1.They sailed welland the old man ____his hands in the salt water and tried to keep his headclear.
A. coated B. soup C. soaked D. soared
2. He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of bloodhad settled and ____ in the mile deep sea.
A. disappeared B. dispersed C. disappointed D. displayed
3. Then he fell back into the sea and ____ the scent and startedswimming on the course the skiff and the fish had taken.
A. picked off B. picked up C. picked out D. put up
4. This was a fish built to ____ all the fishes in the sea.
A. feed back B. feed up C. feed on D. fed on
5. It ____ have been a dream, he thought.
A. maybe B. perhaps C. might D. might as well
6. The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not ____.
A. live B. life C. alive D. shine
7. He took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now my fish ____again and there will be others.
A. blood B. floods C. bleeds D. bled
8. When the fish had been hit it was ____ he himself were hit.
A. like B. though C. even if D. as though
答案:1C 2 B 3B 4C 5D 6C 7C 8D