中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第17篇:Computers Give Big Boosts to Productivity 计算机技术极大提高生产效率
日期:2014-07-25 17:38



1.According toa recent study, moneyspent on computingtechnologydelivers gainsin workerproductivitythatare three to fivetimes those of other investments. However, the study also concluded thatthe information technology industryitself was unlikely to bea bigsource of new jobs.

1、最近的一项研究表明,投入到计算机技术上的spent on computing technology 过去分词作定语)资金转化成的劳动生产率是投入到其他领域中获益的35that 引导的定语从句修饰gains,指获得的收益;productivityn. 生产率)。但同时此次研究还表明(concluded,信息产业本身并不可能提供太多的工作机会(be unlikely to do sth. 不大可能;that 引导宾语从句)

2.The 69-page reportis awide-ranging look at the rolethatinformation technology plays in the economy, based onanassessment of existing researchand the authorsanalysis. The studywas done bya year-old research organization, the InformationTechnology andInnovation Foundation,whose workis supported bycompanieslikeI.B.M., Cisco Systemsand eBay,as well asbytheCommunications Workers of America and foundation grants. It will be availableatwww.itif.org.

2、这份长达69页的报告是基于现有的研究(existing research)及作者的分析,广泛探讨了信息技术在经济领域发挥的作用(或译为:这份基于现有研究及作者分析的长达69页的报告,广泛地探讨了信息技术在经济领域发挥的作用)。该研究由成立一年的(a year-old信息技术和创新基金会(Innovation Foundation)完成,这一研究工作获得了IBM、思科和eBay,以及(as well as美国通信业工作者协会的支持,同时还获得美国通信业工作者协会的拨款(grants n. 津贴;补助金;政府资助)。可以在www.itif.org网站上看到(be available 可见的;it 应该指的是the 69-pagereport)

3. The studyconcludesthatthe economic significance of information technology is lessin the technology itselfthanin the capacity ofcomputer hardware, software and servicesto transform other sectors of the economy.


4. Policy,according to thestudy,shouldfocuslessonincentivesto use certaintechnology productsorhelpparticular companiesthanonencouraging market forcestohastenthe pace oftechnology-aidedchange in industries.

4、研究还表明,政府不应该鼓励使用某些技术产品,也不应该特别扶持某些公司,而应该鼓励通过市场力量,加快技术辅助在工业上转化的脚步。(incentivesn. 刺激;encouraging adj. 鼓励的;hasten vt. 加速;注意本句翻译形式)

5. In an interview, Robert D. Atkinson, the foundation president, cited health care, electricutilities and transportationas sectorsthatcouldbenefit fromcomputingtechnology.

5、在一次釆访(interview中,基金会主席罗伯特艾金森提到(citedvt.医疗保健(health care)、电力行业和交通等领域,这些领域都可以从计算机技术中受益(benefit from 受益于;得益于;that 引导定语从句,修饰sectors,即领域”)

6. In health care,forexample, the federal governmenthasprodded industryto setstandards for sharingpatient and treatment information,asa steptoward building a nationalhealth information network. Medicare and industry groupsare beginning to require hospitals andclinics to measure and report their performanceinmeetingsafety standards andinpatient health goals. To meetthose standards,health care providersmust increasingly adoptmodem computingtools.

6、例如,在医疗保健方面,联邦(federal政府已督促(has proddedprod vt. 刺激)其行业在共享病人和治疗信息方面设立统一标准(to set … 不定式作直接宾语),这是建设国家健康信息网络的其中一步。医疗保险制度(Medicare)和行业集团开始要求医院和诊所(clinics)衡量并报告他们的实施情况,以达到(meeting医疗安全标准和使病人康复的目的。为了达到(to meet)这些标准,医疗保健提供者必须更多地(increasingly)采用(adopt)现代化计算机工具。

7. “The policy issueis how doyou get digital transformation in these other sectors,” Mr.Atkinson said. “This is not abouttaxbreaksfor I.B.M. or Cisco or other technology companies.”

7、这一政策的关键在于如何实现在其他行业中的(in these other sectors数字化转化。艾金森先生说:这不是给IBM、思科或是其他技术类公司一些减免税收的问题(tax breaks税收减免)

8. Mr. Atkinson, a formerproject directorattheCongressionalOffice ofTechnology Assessment, most recently headed the technology policy programatthe Progressive Policy Institute, acentristdemocraticresearchorganization.

8、艾金森先生曾任(former)美国国会(congressional adj.)科技评估局项目总监,最近大部分时间都在发展政策研究所负责(headed)有关科技政策的项目,该研究所是一个中立的(centrist)民间(democratic)研究组织。

9. The reportnotesthatemployment in computinghas recoveredsomewhat,after falling sharplyafterthe dot-com bubbleburst in 2000toaccount for3.76 million jobs.Still, it says,the growth potential is limited.

9、报告指出,在经历了2000网络泡沫破灭(the dot-com bubble burst; burst-burst-burst 动词原形-过去式-过去分词vi. 爆发;爆炸)所导致的就业率大幅(sharply)下滑之后,在计算技术行业中的就业人数己经有所回升(has recoveredsomewhat; recover vi.恢复),将提供376万个就业岗位account for 负有责任)。然而,报告同时指出,这种增长潜力是很有限的。

10. “Going forward, ” the reportstatesit is unlikely thatthe I.T. industry will be producingjobsgainsout of line withits size.

In partthis is becauseproductivity in the I. T. industryitselfhas beenstrong,allowing itto producemoreoutputwithfewerworkers.”

10前进吧。报告中陈述道:“IT行业是不可能源源不断地提供工作机会的(unlikely adj.不太可能的;可译为:IT行业所提供的工作机会超过它的规模是不太可能的),一定程度上是因为IT产业本身的生产率使得它可以很容易做到(has been strong; strong adj. 擅长的较少人员(fewerworkers)实现较大的产出(more output)。”

11.Instead, the reportcontends,job gainswillmore and morecome fromindustriesthat use informationtechnology intelligently,justasinthe 19th centuryemployment in the railroad industryleveledoff butdevelopment ofa transportation networkled tothe rise of nationalretailersand other new industries.

11、相反,报告认为(contends)那些采用信息智能技术的(thatuse information technology intelligently)行业将提供越来越多的就业机会(或译为:越来越多的就业机会将来源于那些采用信息智能技术的行业),恰如(just as19世纪时,虽然铁路业提供的就业机会已趋于平稳(leveledoff),但是交通运输网络的发展却带动了(led to)全国零售业和其他新兴行业的发展。

12.The services sector,whichemploys80 percent of the Americanwork forceis expected togenerate most of the new jobsin thefuture.

12、服务业雇佣了美国80%的劳动力(workforce)(which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰the services sector,服务业),预期将来会提供大部分的新工作岗位。(be expected to do sth. 被期待做某事)



1.However, the study alsoconcludedthat the information technologyindustry itself a big source of new jobs.

A. was unlikely to is B.is unlikely to be

C. was unlikely to be D.are unlikely to be

2. It will atwww.itif. org.

A.isavailable B.be vailably C. be availability D.be available

3. Tomeet those standards, health care providers mustincreasingly

modemcomputing tools.

A.adopt B. adapt C. adopted D. adapted

4. Mr.Atkinson was a projectdirectorat theCongressionalOfficeof Technology Assessment.

A.later B. former C. the former D. form

5.Employment in computing somewhat,after fallingsharplyafter thedot-com bubble in 2000,

A. hasrecovered; burst B. recovered;burst

C. hasrecovered; bursted

6. , it says, the growth potential is limited.

A.Till B. Still C. Until D. So

7.Just as employment in the railroad industry leveled

but development of a transportation networkled to the rise of national retailers and other new industries.

A. inthe 19th century; off B. in the19th century; of

C. atthe 19th century; off D. in the19th centuries; off

8. Theservices sector, employs 80 percent of the American work force,is expected togenerate most of the newjobs in the future.

A.that B. whose C. who D.which


第3小段: The study concludesthat the economic significance of information technology islessin the technology itselfthanin the capacity of computer hardware, software and services totransform other sectors of the economy. 这项研究表明,信息技术在计算机硬件、软件和服务向其他经济领域转化所创造的经济效益上要大于技术本身。


4小段:Policy,according to the study, should focus lesson incentives to use certain technology products or help particularcompanies thanon encouraging market forces to hasten the pace of technology-aided changein industries. 研究还表明,政府不应该鼓励使用某些技术产品,也不应该特别扶持某些公司,而应该鼓励通过市场力量,加快技术辅助在工业上转化的脚步。


  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • measuren. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸 v. 测量,量
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会
  • progressiveadj. 前进的,渐进的 n. 进步人士
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • networkn. 网络,网状物,网状系统 vt. (以网络)覆
  • instituten. 学会,学院,协会 vt. 创立,开始,制定
  • hastenv. 催促,赶快,急忙
  • unlikelyadj. 不太可能的