1. Most of what I really need toknow abou thow to liveand what to do andhow to be, I learned inkindergarten.Wisdom was notatthe top of the graduate mountain, butthere inthe sandpile at nursery school.
2. These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people.Putthings backwhere you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren'tyours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your handsbefore you eat.Warm cookies and coldmilk are good for you. Liveabalanced life. Learnsomeand thinksome and draw and paintand sing and dance and play and work everydaysome.
2.以下就是我在幼儿园中学到的。分享所有的东西;行为光明磊落(或公平待人)(play fair);不要攻击别人;东西要放回原处;自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好;不要拿走不属于自己的东西;如果你伤害了别人就得道歉;饭前洗手;热的甜点和凉的牛奶对身体有益;生活要有张有弛,学点东西、想点思想、写写画画、唱唱跳跳,休息(玩耍)和工作,每样事天天都要干一点。
3.Take a nap every afternoon.Whenyougo out into the world,watch fortraffic,holdhandsandstick together.Be aware of wonder.Remember the little seedin the plastic cup? The rootsgo downand the plant goes upand nobody really knowshow or why, but we arealllike that.
3.每天下午小睡一会。当大家外出(go out into the world)时,注意交通安全,记得手挽手(hold hands),彼此互相扶持(stick together)。多多注意那些生活的奇迹。(Beaware of wonder.)你一定还记得那个塑料杯里的小小的种子吧,它不断的往下扎根,枝叶不断的向空中伸展。没有人真正知道它在怎样生长,也不知道是为了什么。但有一点很明白,我们也像他们一样地长大。
4. Goldfishandhamstersandwhitemiceandeven the little seed in the plastic cup-they all die. So do we.
5. And then remember the bookaboutDick and Janeand the first word you learned,the biggest word of all: Look. Everything you need to knowisin there somewhere.The Golden Ruleand love and basic sanitation.Ecologyand politiesand saneliving.
5.同时我们还记得《迪克和珍妮》的书,以及从书中学到的第一个词,也是最了不起的一个词:观察。你所需要了解的任何事情:包括6个方面,即为人的原则(the Goden Rule)、爱、应注意的基本卫生(basic sanitation),生态环境(ecology)和政治哲学(polities)以及健全的生活方式(sane living),你都能在该书的某个地方(be in there somewhere)找到答案。
6. Think of what a better world it would beif we all-the whole world-hadcookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoonand then lay downwith our blankets for a nap. Or if we hada basic policy in our nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our ownmesses. And it is still true,no matter how old you are,whenyou go out into the world,it is better to hold hands and stick together.
6.想一想,如果我们大家--全世界所有的人--每天下午3点左右能够享受甜点和牛奶,然后盖上被单美美地睡上一小会儿;如果每一个国家都能够遵循一个基本的立国之道(we havea basic policy in our nations),即东西放回原处,自己弄脏的地方自己收拾后,那么这个世界将是多么的美好啊(what a better world it would be,感叹句)。无论你年龄有多大,当你出去时,当你进入社会之时,最好和别人手牵手,互相扶持,团结一致,无论如何,这是一个颠扑不破的真理(这就是真理)。
1、When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, holdhands and _____ together.
A. stick B. stuck C. strike D. struck
2. Put things back _______ you found them.
A. what B. while C. where D. which
3. Goldfish and hamsters all die. ________.
A. So do us B. So we do C. So are we D. So do we
4. Think of what a better world ______ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon.
A. would it be B. it would be C. will it be D. it going to be
5. It would be a better world if we all _____ with ourblankets for a nap.
A. lay down B. laiddown C. lain down D. lied down
6.No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _____ to hold hands and stick together.
A. would better B. had better C. be better D. is better
答案:1A 2C 3D 4B 5A 6D
1. Don't take things .
A. that aren't yours B. which aren’t you C. that aren’t you D. which aren’t yours