Talk of transatlantic flights! The golden plover makes a non-stop flight of 2400 miles from Nova Scotia to the northeast coast of South America, and has been doing it for centuries without ever getting a line of publicity in the newspapers. The night-hawk nests in the Yukon and winters in Argentina, 7000 miles away. Nineteen species of shore-birds rear their young north of the arctic circle and then fly to South America, six of the species even penetrating Patagonia, 8000 miles from their northern nesting grounds. The far-famed bobolink of New England migrates to Brazil, making a transoceanic flight of 700 miles from Cuba to the South American coast. So also do the purple martins, cliff-swallows, barnswallows, and some thrushes.
谈谈跨大西洋的航程吧!这只金色的鸟儿从新斯科舍省直飞到南美洲的东北海岸,全程2400英里 。几个世纪以来,一直如此,却从未在报纸上得到任何宣传 。夜鹰在育空筑巢,在7000英里外的阿根廷过冬 。19种滨鸟在北极圈北部养育它们的幼鸟,然后飞往南美洲,其中6种甚至穿越了距北部筑巢地8000英里的巴塔哥尼亚 。远近驰名的新英格兰的食米鸟迁徙到巴西,从古巴越洋飞行700英里到达南美海岸 。紫燕、崖燕、田燕和一些画眉也是如此 。