与美国小学生一起学英文第7册(MP3+中英字幕) 第22期:石油
日期:2017-08-04 15:05
Oil is a very useful resource for humans.
石油对人类而言是非常有用的资源 。
It is use to run vehicles, heat houses and make roads.
它被用来带动汽车、供暖和铺路 。
And it is even use to make clothes and medicine.
它甚至被用来制作衣服和药品 。
It is a very important energy resource.
它是非常重要的能源 。
Countries in Mid-Eastern Asia have a lot of oil.
中东亚国家有大量的石油 。
And Russia, the United States and some other countries also have oil.
俄罗斯、美国和其它一些国家也有很多石油 。
We currently use 84 million barrels a day.
目前,我们每天要用八千四百万桶石油 。
Scientists expect that we will run out of oil around 2039.
科学家预测2039年左右人类将耗尽石油 。
Therefore, scientists try to develop other energy resources.
因此,科学家们正在努力开发其它能源 。